Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Toddler Candida Symptoms

Telefilm yesterday and today and

The story you know. Visiting a school the township Village Prenestino, extreme outskirts of Rome, in the courtyard on Thursday a 14 year old stabbed a 15 year old, the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno said the show as "Crime Novel" , broadcast on Sky, contribute to violence among young people.
The stories told in the series, based on the novel by Giancarlo De Cataldo, held in Rome to lead the seventies. "I had said from the beginning that some cultural operations such as 'Crime Novel' or similar do not help," roared the mayor. "They launched trends, attitudes and ways of doing things wrong."
Reply by return of producer Riccardo Tozzi, Michele Placido, artistic advisor of the show and director of the film, and De Cataldo.
Voices also by the opposition. Francesco Rutelli (Pd): "nonsense" . Robert Rao (UDC): "download a TV series about the guilt of the increasingly frequent fights between youths armed with a knife before it is embarrassing ridiculous." This
the story. Then flip through the book I'm reading, "If you know avoid them" (Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio, see right column), and on page 66 I read that on November 20, 1981 Alemanno was arrested in Rome "on charges of having participated in the attack with four comrades from a student of twenty-three years with such a beating with iron bars, which cost the young man the shelter for ten days in hospital." Later, Aleman was acquitted for not having committed the crime.
Anyway, who knows what the show passed on at the time.


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