Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creatine Effects On Herpes

Leaving aside the latter, disgusting statements about immigrants coming to Italy on board barges (speaking from Egypt where he is a bilateral summit, said: "are people who have paid a ticket, people driven by a special situation in those countries where they would be victims of injustice "), I would return to this issue Noemi.
More than a few days ago, opposed to my interest in the claim that it is a private affair. In my opinion, it is not. Here's why.
In statements reported by the Republic on May 3, Veronica is finally blurted "can not be with a man who frequents the minors" . And he confessed: "I tried to help my husband, I implored those who stand next to do the same as you would with a person who is ill . It 's been useless. "
First point: the minors. Brief summary of previous games.
the evening of April 26, our sprightly President of the Council has led the party of eighteen years of squinzietta of Naples, this Letizia, looking good and the rock star dreams. Modest family, the father is a municipal employee who earns just over € 12 thousand a year and my mother a beautiful woman with some experience in local television.
How did they meet? What is the relationship between them? In more than two weeks, nobody has been able to clarify. And many, without convincing answers to the handle, made the case worse. That is, our head of government - 73 years old in September - might have had, or even entertain a relationship of nature far branch, with neodiciottenne.
It 'important that the prime minister clear, once and for all, that is not the case. And tell us when, where, how and through whom he met the girl . Even with a hearing in Parliament. Because, unless the criminal code has not changed, in Italy there is a law, 38/2006, which punishes "anyone who performs sexual acts with a child aged between fourteen and eighteen, in exchange for money or other economic utility. " In short, being a minor in exchange for gifts, jewelry, promises of meteoric career in show business and / or politics is a crime. And it is of public importance that our Prime Minister will free us once and for all the suspicion of essersene stained.
Another point: health. In that sense, our Prime Minister is "not well"? E 'can continue their work? It would be kind enough to give us assurances on this? In more than two weeks, no one did.
And yet I defy anyone to say that it's private affairs.


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