Thursday, May 7, 2009


If phoning

Italy, Rome, Palazzo Chigi . Two political forces. The People of Freedom, or PDL, and the Northern League. A lot to take some action against the wiretaps, the other wants a security bill that - among others - makes illegal immigration a criminal offense. As we want to run the co-existence, are a meeting place and trust on both texts.
In other words, the two or pass the laws before Parliament with a majority of votes or the government falls . Trust is usually a way to lock down a law, namely to secure approval from the blows of protecting so-called "snipers" (Those Members that although the political party of those who propose a law voted against). With confidence, the league protects the security bill by voting against the allies of the PDL (An in particular) and the PDL secures the anti-wiretapping measure.
Let's talk. Here's what the bill provides interceptions : interception will be permitted only for crimes involving a sentence of up to five years, excluding the mafia and terrorism (and how do you know if you should allow it or not, because very often is precisely through that open off the investigation, gather evidence, and we understand how serious a crime and therefore must be punished as?) may have a maximum of 45 days, extendable for another 15, the magistrates will grant it only if there are serious indications of guilt (go figure out which), prohibited the publication of texts (perhaps up to a glance when they are no longer covered by confidentiality) in case of publication, the journalist goes towards the prison (six months minimum sentence).
We have repeated to exhaustion that the wiretaps are among the greatest fears of Italians . "In my speeches," he has said many times Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, "when I ask those who are afraid of being caught, all raise their hands." Strange. Never known anyone that such a confession concern. Then flip through the book I'm reading, "If you know avoid them" by Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio, and another book by the same authors, "Ladies and wanted", and a glance is clear to me who really are afraid of being intercepted. Afraid of being intercepted those who have something - often a lot of things - to hide. Fear of being intercepted many of those who now sit on the benches of the House and Senate. To be clear, the same as Monday, May 18 will vote on the confidence measure anti-wiretapping . Instinct for self-preservation, as they say.


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