Friday, May 8, 2009

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A Rose for Matthew

I read in the papers the news of the proposal / provocation Matteo Salvini, the League's long course and director of Radio Valley, and will arise. But in the end. Number and / or subway cars reserved for Milan doc? To protect them from danger-immigrant? And me? What is more stupid? What have I done to deserve the unwelcome company of strangers on trains that travel underground? I'm tired of hearing my young body and sinuous object of their gaze. I deserve to be protected. Otherwise, you're right the secretary of the Pd Dario Franceschini: return to the racial laws, with citizens of series A (Milan) and those of type B (non-southerners and Milan).
Until this unfortunate misunderstanding is clarified, I can envision only two, possible solutions . Or are engaged fantasies finally grown long and I get false documents which show be Ludovica Brambilla Fumagalli, 25 years (since I have to falsify, to impersonate well), born and raised in Milan, working at the same time sull'inflessione dialect, not yet fully Ambrosian. Or rediscover the pride of the origins, I wear comfortable on the seat reserved for Milan and - as Rosa Louise Parks, the black woman who in 1955 refused to give up their seats in the bus to a white racist in America - anyone spernacchio I get up close and put in a corner.
think of it, the second solution would give much satisfaction.


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