Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Disadvantage Of Butane

Rich dish

be clear: the question of divorce for me (you know what I mean), with all the rents that opens, it is absolutely leading . Do not head for mica a national Tigga, I said, are not forced to speak of the alarm-allergies-of-spring so as not to deepen the thorny matter.
But I agree with the Director of News and Sport La7 Antonello heartburn, that even today, "Omnibus," he recalled: in the world, meanwhile, other events follow each other . For example
. Yesterday, Monday, May 4, Palermo, during the conference "South 2007-2013. Last Chance, "was the signature on the" contract for the South ", a document containing the government's commitments in favor of the Mezzogiorno.Oltre Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola , at the meeting were: Gianfranco Micciche, Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for CIPE (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning), Mauro Moretti, CEO of the State Railways, Fulvio Conti, Enel; Ponzellini Massimo, president Impregilo; Giuseppe Mussari, Chairman Monte Paschi di Siena.
And that figures speak, please? I understand from the text of the Minister Scajola. "At the last meeting of the CIPE, the government has allocated € 17.8 billion infrastructure : with these resources, you can start building the bridge over the Straits, complete the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and the Ionian State, the network regional bell, subway lines Naples, Palermo and Catania. " All these works "will be added to others already completed or in advanced stage: the restructuring of the airports of Palermo and Catania, the consolidation and modernization of the ports of Palermo and Messina, interventions on the highways and Caltanissetta, Siracusa-Gela Gela Palermo-Messina railway and Palermo-Punta Raisi ". And again: "We very quickly concluded the investigation of the regional program implementation (Fas), to transmit it to the next Cipe". This means "resource for more than € 4 billion to be spent here in Sicily." To all this must be added the "European Structural Funds," which are "an opportunity Do not miss ", and" private capital ". And investment in the tourism industry, innovation and research.
it clear that we are absolutely convinced of the good faith of those who were at the conference (and God forbid), history teaches us that where there is a rich dish there is someone eager to ficcarcisi . Always at the expense of national interest. Therefore, the government assured us that will ensure the flow of money and public works: In order to be truly useful to the community so that no one gains by building the least worst, Abruzzo style, so that the gangs do not put a finger - even accidentally - on Procurement and / or subcontracts.
PS He shook his wrists inclusion in the security bill, the measure - in effect - removes the requirement for the contractor to terminate the lace. But a bill is not yet a law. Before you become, the Parliament has time and opportunity to remedy the oversight. We expect and hope that the removal is removed.


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