Saturday, May 30, 2009

Vegeta Motorcycle Helmet


I apologize for the absence. Today I want to tell a story.
In preparing television in which I work, I take care of the lineup and content of a talk show that airs in prime time. In the week that has just closed, we have dedicated an episode to George Ambrosoli .
the liquidator of the Italian private bank, Ambrosoli the lawyer was killed in the night between 11 and 12 July 1979 . Instigator of the assassination was Michele Sindona, the Sicilian banker at the center of a complex web of political and mafia interests.
In September 1974, received by the governor Ambrosoli Bank of Italy Guido Carli, the Bank is engaged to Italian private Sindona . A task that the lawyer he completed in a matter of months. Not without obstacles. Ambrosoli underwent pressure, threats, bribery attempts. Objective, to ensure its recovery plan for the BPI, Bank of Italy and by public funds. A plan which, if passed, would have also avoided criminal and civil Sindona any wrongdoing.
Ambrosoli did not buckle. And in February the following year, in a note to his wife Annaloro, wrote: "I will pay very dearly to the assignment. Whatever happens, you know what to do and I am sure you know very well done " .
The lawyer spent the following years to unravel the tangle of companies Sindona. The stakes were so many and very strong. a half there were political mafia, the masonic lodge Propaganda 2, the Vatican (remember Roberto Calvi?) . At the inquest also worked
U.S. authorities involved in the crash of the Franklin Bank of Sicilian banker. In the days following his death, Ambrosoli was supposed to meet to sign a formal declaration.
On March 18, 1986, Michele Sindona and Roberto Venetucci, arms dealer who had placed the banker in contact with the killer who would factually committed the murder, were sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Ambrosoli.
Sindona died in prison four days later, on March 22, the effects of poisoning by cyanide, in circumstances never fully clarified.
In the study, as our guest, there was Umberto Ambrosoli, son of the lawyer and author of "Whatever happens" (Sironi publisher) in library from May 20.
I would now remember all the sad anniversary that I have neglected in the past two weeks : Eros Rabbiani, employee (May 22); Giovanni Falcone, judge , Francesca Morvillo, judge, and the basis of Judge Falcone (23 May), Gianluca Congiusca, trader (24 May), the victims of the massacre of Georgofili (27 May), the victims of Piazza della Loggia (May 28). The source, as always, is .

Friday, May 29, 2009

Best Cover Up Makeup For Mastocytosis


From today you can also find me on,
blog decree by Maurizio Decollanz, journalist and television host of issues of knowledge-Rebus-on Odeon TV, which airs every Monday from 20:45 onwards.
Look for the article "codes and eggs", article written and published by me for a collaboration aspiration to make known the truth, an idea that is proposed to realize that blog ...
soon ............................................... ..................
Cristian Fabbri

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Herpes Inside Nose Treatment

The clock of justice

Tg5 Priceless. Every time I see him angry. This evening, the opening of mega-fired and Our Mills case.
Abstract: courts have recognized the distinguished British lawyer David Mills guilty of perjury. The British gentleman would have lied to save Fininvest. Reaction heat of the Knight "will refer in Parliament, I will say what I think. I will not be processed from these robes. " Page
defense. At the beginning of the Mephisto Mr Tigga appeared lawyer Niccolo Ghedini, lawyer Silvio good and for that he brought on the benches of the House, where it also has run tonight related to a reflection on the ruling.
Then came the majority. That, for the occasion, he dusted off the old dear's smash justice clockwork ". The small Capezzone he recited from memory, as excited as a child standing on a chair on Christmas Eve. Quoting the former director of Corriere della Sera, Paolo Mieli, would say: tell us the Gentlemen of the majority when you can talk about - and practice - justice. There are better times than others? There is a calendar that we keep in mind?
However, the Popes of appassionatissimi can rest assured that thanks to the immunity law - which suspends trial of the four highest institutional figures of the state (president, prime minister and chairmen of the House and Senate) for the duration of their mandate, the idol of the teens is currently untouchable. Another move by the magicians
Tigga: After showing us the legal head of government to comment on the court's ruling and the majority of men demolish, the news has shifted the scene in L'Aquila. Where the prime minister gave the order to throw all the mud he wants (again) on the judges and set himself up as a statesman and leader talking about the G8 and reconstruction in Abruzzo.
fear of being forced to give reason to the former director Enrico Mentana: Mediaset is now a shameless election committee. And I would add the shameless .

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mrs Brazilian Grandma

Free information in Free State

Apart from the new barrage of insults directed at the Republic for publishing ten questions - unanswered - directed at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on the case Noemi, in turning the knife in the wound of bad information Italian is the comparison with Spain. Let me be clear: we do not believe that the Republic of misinformation, having also cited the bell'intervento D'Avanzo in support of our reflections. Consider misinformation rather the whole outline. Those journalists, that is, and those newspapers, and television, and directors that make the game of Don Rodrigo de Noantri . In Italy it is pointed out as an awful example of the Republic because the reporters who work there do what their job requires. Elsewhere, the signals coming in are very different.
Take Spain, in fact. The head of the sports section of TVE, the English state television, was forced to leave their office, because last Wednesday, during the first half of the final between Athletic Bilbao and Barcelona for the King's Cup, Valencia's Mestalla stadium, with audio from a game master, covered the whistles of the Basque and Catalan supporters of the sovereign Spain .
summary. A journalist in a position of responsibility has manipulated the information for committing what all journalists in the world should be a deadly sin, and was asked to cross out the door. But not only. at 20.45 on Thursday, the first English public network made publicly fine, as reported Friday, the Corriere della Sera.
And in Italy? Here the manipulations are medals, as told Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio in the book "Regime". We have never had the pleasure of seeing Mr. S. do the childish act of horns in Caceres, Spain and we have private images of the clash with Martin Schulz MEP in the classroom at the beginning of the Italian Presidency of the EU Council in 2003; nor will you remember seeing Recently Mastrolaido undermine the discharge of grapeshot at of Russian journalists during a press conference.
The daily news, alas, is regularly adulterated. The lucky ones can do and be the tare however, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe country in which they live. Others are not. And as voters, unfortunately, in the end it shows.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Rogue Status Drum Set

Mr. S., allows an application? I also made my

Send this article by Giuseppe D'Avanzo of La Repubblica Thursday, May 14, "Ten questions never asked the Knight", pages 8 and 9.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Creatine Effects On Herpes

Leaving aside the latter, disgusting statements about immigrants coming to Italy on board barges (speaking from Egypt where he is a bilateral summit, said: "are people who have paid a ticket, people driven by a special situation in those countries where they would be victims of injustice "), I would return to this issue Noemi.
More than a few days ago, opposed to my interest in the claim that it is a private affair. In my opinion, it is not. Here's why.
In statements reported by the Republic on May 3, Veronica is finally blurted "can not be with a man who frequents the minors" . And he confessed: "I tried to help my husband, I implored those who stand next to do the same as you would with a person who is ill . It 's been useless. "
First point: the minors. Brief summary of previous games.
the evening of April 26, our sprightly President of the Council has led the party of eighteen years of squinzietta of Naples, this Letizia, looking good and the rock star dreams. Modest family, the father is a municipal employee who earns just over € 12 thousand a year and my mother a beautiful woman with some experience in local television.
How did they meet? What is the relationship between them? In more than two weeks, nobody has been able to clarify. And many, without convincing answers to the handle, made the case worse. That is, our head of government - 73 years old in September - might have had, or even entertain a relationship of nature far branch, with neodiciottenne.
It 'important that the prime minister clear, once and for all, that is not the case. And tell us when, where, how and through whom he met the girl . Even with a hearing in Parliament. Because, unless the criminal code has not changed, in Italy there is a law, 38/2006, which punishes "anyone who performs sexual acts with a child aged between fourteen and eighteen, in exchange for money or other economic utility. " In short, being a minor in exchange for gifts, jewelry, promises of meteoric career in show business and / or politics is a crime. And it is of public importance that our Prime Minister will free us once and for all the suspicion of essersene stained.
Another point: health. In that sense, our Prime Minister is "not well"? E 'can continue their work? It would be kind enough to give us assurances on this? In more than two weeks, no one did.
And yet I defy anyone to say that it's private affairs.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Playtex Sport Tampons In India

A Rose for Matthew

I read in the papers the news of the proposal / provocation Matteo Salvini, the League's long course and director of Radio Valley, and will arise. But in the end. Number and / or subway cars reserved for Milan doc? To protect them from danger-immigrant? And me? What is more stupid? What have I done to deserve the unwelcome company of strangers on trains that travel underground? I'm tired of hearing my young body and sinuous object of their gaze. I deserve to be protected. Otherwise, you're right the secretary of the Pd Dario Franceschini: return to the racial laws, with citizens of series A (Milan) and those of type B (non-southerners and Milan).
Until this unfortunate misunderstanding is clarified, I can envision only two, possible solutions . Or are engaged fantasies finally grown long and I get false documents which show be Ludovica Brambilla Fumagalli, 25 years (since I have to falsify, to impersonate well), born and raised in Milan, working at the same time sull'inflessione dialect, not yet fully Ambrosian. Or rediscover the pride of the origins, I wear comfortable on the seat reserved for Milan and - as Rosa Louise Parks, the black woman who in 1955 refused to give up their seats in the bus to a white racist in America - anyone spernacchio I get up close and put in a corner.
think of it, the second solution would give much satisfaction.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


If phoning

Italy, Rome, Palazzo Chigi . Two political forces. The People of Freedom, or PDL, and the Northern League. A lot to take some action against the wiretaps, the other wants a security bill that - among others - makes illegal immigration a criminal offense. As we want to run the co-existence, are a meeting place and trust on both texts.
In other words, the two or pass the laws before Parliament with a majority of votes or the government falls . Trust is usually a way to lock down a law, namely to secure approval from the blows of protecting so-called "snipers" (Those Members that although the political party of those who propose a law voted against). With confidence, the league protects the security bill by voting against the allies of the PDL (An in particular) and the PDL secures the anti-wiretapping measure.
Let's talk. Here's what the bill provides interceptions : interception will be permitted only for crimes involving a sentence of up to five years, excluding the mafia and terrorism (and how do you know if you should allow it or not, because very often is precisely through that open off the investigation, gather evidence, and we understand how serious a crime and therefore must be punished as?) may have a maximum of 45 days, extendable for another 15, the magistrates will grant it only if there are serious indications of guilt (go figure out which), prohibited the publication of texts (perhaps up to a glance when they are no longer covered by confidentiality) in case of publication, the journalist goes towards the prison (six months minimum sentence).
We have repeated to exhaustion that the wiretaps are among the greatest fears of Italians . "In my speeches," he has said many times Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, "when I ask those who are afraid of being caught, all raise their hands." Strange. Never known anyone that such a confession concern. Then flip through the book I'm reading, "If you know avoid them" by Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio, and another book by the same authors, "Ladies and wanted", and a glance is clear to me who really are afraid of being intercepted. Afraid of being intercepted those who have something - often a lot of things - to hide. Fear of being intercepted many of those who now sit on the benches of the House and Senate. To be clear, the same as Monday, May 18 will vote on the confidence measure anti-wiretapping . Instinct for self-preservation, as they say.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Toddler Candida Symptoms

Telefilm yesterday and today and

The story you know. Visiting a school the township Village Prenestino, extreme outskirts of Rome, in the courtyard on Thursday a 14 year old stabbed a 15 year old, the mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno said the show as "Crime Novel" , broadcast on Sky, contribute to violence among young people.
The stories told in the series, based on the novel by Giancarlo De Cataldo, held in Rome to lead the seventies. "I had said from the beginning that some cultural operations such as 'Crime Novel' or similar do not help," roared the mayor. "They launched trends, attitudes and ways of doing things wrong."
Reply by return of producer Riccardo Tozzi, Michele Placido, artistic advisor of the show and director of the film, and De Cataldo.
Voices also by the opposition. Francesco Rutelli (Pd): "nonsense" . Robert Rao (UDC): "download a TV series about the guilt of the increasingly frequent fights between youths armed with a knife before it is embarrassing ridiculous." This
the story. Then flip through the book I'm reading, "If you know avoid them" (Peter Gomez and Marco Travaglio, see right column), and on page 66 I read that on November 20, 1981 Alemanno was arrested in Rome "on charges of having participated in the attack with four comrades from a student of twenty-three years with such a beating with iron bars, which cost the young man the shelter for ten days in hospital." Later, Aleman was acquitted for not having committed the crime.
Anyway, who knows what the show passed on at the time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Groping In Train Technique

Heart palpitations

"I love home," a grinning Jack Torrance overwhelmed by the crowd un'atterrita Wendy wielding an ax against , in the gloomy rooms of the Overlook Hotel. The film was "The Shining", Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Stephen King.
We revised edition restored the evening of May 5 at the opening of the main Tigga. Just enough time to prepare the team of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Mediaset an adequate plan for counterattack, and here finally the major national news they decided to open the evening edition of the history that raged for almost two weeks newspapers, websites and television around the world, announced the and apparently impending divorce between our prime minister and his wife, Veronica Lario . Instructional.
Almost as a "door to door" to give space to the Prime Minister and his line defense has come to bring up, in order: the first year of the new Berlusconi government, exactly one month after the earthquake in Abruzzo, the decree on the reconstruction after the earthquake in Italy, Berlusconi's promises on the delivery of new homes to Abruzzo. Valuable.
Finally. are expected to record sales of "Chi", to be on newsstands Wednesday. With all the background to the birthday party neodiciottenne Noemi . How to deny it: luscious.

Disadvantage Of Butane

Rich dish

be clear: the question of divorce for me (you know what I mean), with all the rents that opens, it is absolutely leading . Do not head for mica a national Tigga, I said, are not forced to speak of the alarm-allergies-of-spring so as not to deepen the thorny matter.
But I agree with the Director of News and Sport La7 Antonello heartburn, that even today, "Omnibus," he recalled: in the world, meanwhile, other events follow each other . For example
. Yesterday, Monday, May 4, Palermo, during the conference "South 2007-2013. Last Chance, "was the signature on the" contract for the South ", a document containing the government's commitments in favor of the Mezzogiorno.Oltre Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola , at the meeting were: Gianfranco Micciche, Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for CIPE (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning), Mauro Moretti, CEO of the State Railways, Fulvio Conti, Enel; Ponzellini Massimo, president Impregilo; Giuseppe Mussari, Chairman Monte Paschi di Siena.
And that figures speak, please? I understand from the text of the Minister Scajola. "At the last meeting of the CIPE, the government has allocated € 17.8 billion infrastructure : with these resources, you can start building the bridge over the Straits, complete the Salerno-Reggio Calabria and the Ionian State, the network regional bell, subway lines Naples, Palermo and Catania. " All these works "will be added to others already completed or in advanced stage: the restructuring of the airports of Palermo and Catania, the consolidation and modernization of the ports of Palermo and Messina, interventions on the highways and Caltanissetta, Siracusa-Gela Gela Palermo-Messina railway and Palermo-Punta Raisi ". And again: "We very quickly concluded the investigation of the regional program implementation (Fas), to transmit it to the next Cipe". This means "resource for more than € 4 billion to be spent here in Sicily." To all this must be added the "European Structural Funds," which are "an opportunity Do not miss ", and" private capital ". And investment in the tourism industry, innovation and research.
it clear that we are absolutely convinced of the good faith of those who were at the conference (and God forbid), history teaches us that where there is a rich dish there is someone eager to ficcarcisi . Always at the expense of national interest. Therefore, the government assured us that will ensure the flow of money and public works: In order to be truly useful to the community so that no one gains by building the least worst, Abruzzo style, so that the gangs do not put a finger - even accidentally - on Procurement and / or subcontracts.
PS He shook his wrists inclusion in the security bill, the measure - in effect - removes the requirement for the contractor to terminate the lace. But a bill is not yet a law. Before you become, the Parliament has time and opportunity to remedy the oversight. We expect and hope that the removal is removed.