Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Teach Me How To Strip Men

experience in the land of Albion (part 3)

now time has passed since I returned and, in 20 years, the memory begins to cilecca.Appena arrived at the airport (Gatwick), I find a boy- who turned out to be 45 years demonstrating with a sign in 25-mano.Per curiosity, I approached and read my name and my cognome.Mi look around, and I understand that nobody is interested in looking me.Mi approached and asked: "James ?, "he replies," No, I'm a friend.. "Along with the unusual and likeable boy-Sandro-Sardinian origin, go in search of his BMW with Italian-style guide. The research and longer for the film "Titanic," but I understand how it feels to walk around the parking lot of a British airport, which is not like I do at an airport italiano.43 miles and arrive at a passing ristorante.Dopo ' hours alongside Sandro, trust me, there would not even want to eat if you were in Ramadan at 5 pm after smoking a joint (refer to hunger caused by chemical drugs such as cannabis.Cosa I know? job for CSI). By in the room and all welcome me with courtesy and the boss, the aforementioned James, gives me a caffè.Mi notes as I begin to sip, staring at me, I drive, we stare at me and then says: "Are you okay?". I'm surprised demand and unusual look into the cup I ask: "is poisoned?". He laughs and tells me that 2 weeks earlier, a guy who had to start work, after drinking the coffee, he turned and got from who knows what level of tension, he went to arrest cardio-circulatory system. "Thanks," I reply, "was to try the experiment?." After submission of a chat, I am accompanied by his wife, Daniela, we have this in my suite.Di parlato.La theme will be the next episode days of work, habits and thoughts of the people I had the opportunity (non-specific positive trend of about the same) to know and the kind of work ................ ............. Cristian Fabbri


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