Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dream Mousse Blushswatches

experience in the land of Albion (part 1) by Fabio

half months I spent in England Novembre.Non this was the reason I stopped writing, it was more a crisis mistica.Dopo long time since I write about me I think I should begin by quoting my short but intense trip to North europa.Premetto I came back because the place was not suitable for a person who wants to learn English and do not know why, but also droplets of pee on the toilet could not motivarmi.Il village was nice, a British-style (too trivial), was composed of a mini-shop, an Italian restaurant (where I served), a butcher, Torrentino that when it rains flooded homes and 1200 abitanti.Il my house was cold, I slept with her cap and in the morning I woke up with the stalagmites on viso.Il heating was in operation from 8:00 to 9:00, and warmed well, so much so that it took six days to dry the mutande.Poi I wised up and I brought my clothes to get warm by the fireplace in the restaurant and in an hour ... clothes dry and ready to be worn. My room was a neighbor of Romania which agree more ... I went to did not know English, did not know Italian, just say hello, and who knows what he dirmi.Non believe it is appropriate to tell all in a volta.Il problem is that the post would become too long and no one leggerebbe.Conosco my readers want short and long texts (to tell the difference). I will leave to spend a few days between an item and the other, so you'll have time to read calma.A soon .......... ............................... Cristian Fabbri


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