Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dungeons And Dragons Futanari

experience in the land of Albion (part 2)

Back viaggetto.Oggi you my story of my hygienic conditions-sanitarie.La my room was made up of a carpet, two beds, a TV and comodino.Per reach out from the restaurant and had to climb a ladder you just came from gradini.Appena noticed the bathroom door was obviously no bidet-bath-.Nel there was no shower, there was a bathtub with an external regulator and 2 rubinetti.In England there is no single tap with two knobs for adjusting temperature water, a tap water hot water and the other outside the dispenser fredda.Inizialmente not come out hot and you know how I washed? "I bent down in front of two taps, I turned both knobs, mix the water of the two cocks in their hands and let me fall addosso.Immaginate the cold water just touched my corpo.Mi phon.Solitamente gave satisfaction in the evening after the shift, I walked into the bathroom to give me a washed and each time I found a little surprise in the Cabinet: cacchette sheep. You know those balls brown sheep shit? Here, I found them in the dishwasher gabinetto.Era romeno.Non just urinated out of the water and not cleaned, but not defecated and pulled him scarico.Ogni so I had to do it and not I was happy idea to sit on that throne of questionable costumi.Mi was one idea: take the dish towel, wipe and clean his urine on it, add 3 inches thick from the cup of water-use toilet paper- and then ... farla.La part 3 will be paid on arrival in England and the early stages of the game .................................... Cristian Fabbri


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