Saturday, December 27, 2008

Phone Registration Nav 2005

experience in the land of Albion (part 4)

Today I am speaking of people who have accompanied me in my avventura.Nell 'Sandro last article I mentioned, the first person I conosciuto.Una gold, worried me for any cosa.Sandro has been and remains a good friend . A solar man, tall, very young (there was 45 years old but looks 20 less). In a famous restaurant and stylish imagine a waiter enters and exits the ladies on the other hand, with their husbands male.Ah watching him but the women did. In
room we were in 3 (Sandro comes only the second week, when returns from the kitchen Steven holiday, the only English staff): I, Renato and Gianni.Renato is a man of 63 years, bald, low but very elegant and sympathetic he was very young, as I told you 63 years old but looks 62.Con him I had no problems, only that I was tired of how he spoke: started to explain things in Italian and attacked after a few words in English. John is 56 years old, lives in a room above the restaurant, has red hair and even complexion, he seems a scozzese.Con there was a small problem: after having taken around 7 / 8 days, putting me in trouble in front of customers and making me do his work knowing that I knew the division of labor, I replied with a "fuck off." And he is offended, why I'm 20 years.I then? If I can pronounce the insult to say that I progressi.Nella bar area was a boy of 26 years, Michele.Faceva seasons around Italy, but he also wanted to learn 'English and ended up going back after a brief experience as me.Michele is about six feet high, but embodies much volgare.Un leccaculo false telling science fiction stories: one day I saw him lower his head before the master to but he scolded told everyone to him and have responded poorly enforced, and has a face like the culo.La what they had in common those guys that had passed through the room cursing the tune of Spears, so no one capiva.Per me was however a fact curioso.La next time (which I think will be the first New Year's) master Giacomo, Daniela mistress, the 3 children and if there will be time Steven and John ........................ ........... Cristian Fabbri

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Teach Me How To Strip Men

experience in the land of Albion (part 3)

now time has passed since I returned and, in 20 years, the memory begins to cilecca.Appena arrived at the airport (Gatwick), I find a boy- who turned out to be 45 years demonstrating with a sign in 25-mano.Per curiosity, I approached and read my name and my cognome.Mi look around, and I understand that nobody is interested in looking me.Mi approached and asked: "James ?, "he replies," No, I'm a friend.. "Along with the unusual and likeable boy-Sandro-Sardinian origin, go in search of his BMW with Italian-style guide. The research and longer for the film "Titanic," but I understand how it feels to walk around the parking lot of a British airport, which is not like I do at an airport italiano.43 miles and arrive at a passing ristorante.Dopo ' hours alongside Sandro, trust me, there would not even want to eat if you were in Ramadan at 5 pm after smoking a joint (refer to hunger caused by chemical drugs such as cannabis.Cosa I know? job for CSI). By in the room and all welcome me with courtesy and the boss, the aforementioned James, gives me a caffè.Mi notes as I begin to sip, staring at me, I drive, we stare at me and then says: "Are you okay?". I'm surprised demand and unusual look into the cup I ask: "is poisoned?". He laughs and tells me that 2 weeks earlier, a guy who had to start work, after drinking the coffee, he turned and got from who knows what level of tension, he went to arrest cardio-circulatory system. "Thanks," I reply, "was to try the experiment?." After submission of a chat, I am accompanied by his wife, Daniela, we have this in my suite.Di parlato.La theme will be the next episode days of work, habits and thoughts of the people I had the opportunity (non-specific positive trend of about the same) to know and the kind of work ................ ............. Cristian Fabbri

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dungeons And Dragons Futanari

experience in the land of Albion (part 2)

Back viaggetto.Oggi you my story of my hygienic conditions-sanitarie.La my room was made up of a carpet, two beds, a TV and comodino.Per reach out from the restaurant and had to climb a ladder you just came from gradini.Appena noticed the bathroom door was obviously no bidet-bath-.Nel there was no shower, there was a bathtub with an external regulator and 2 rubinetti.In England there is no single tap with two knobs for adjusting temperature water, a tap water hot water and the other outside the dispenser fredda.Inizialmente not come out hot and you know how I washed? "I bent down in front of two taps, I turned both knobs, mix the water of the two cocks in their hands and let me fall addosso.Immaginate the cold water just touched my corpo.Mi phon.Solitamente gave satisfaction in the evening after the shift, I walked into the bathroom to give me a washed and each time I found a little surprise in the Cabinet: cacchette sheep. You know those balls brown sheep shit? Here, I found them in the dishwasher gabinetto.Era romeno.Non just urinated out of the water and not cleaned, but not defecated and pulled him scarico.Ogni so I had to do it and not I was happy idea to sit on that throne of questionable costumi.Mi was one idea: take the dish towel, wipe and clean his urine on it, add 3 inches thick from the cup of water-use toilet paper- and then ... farla.La part 3 will be paid on arrival in England and the early stages of the game .................................... Cristian Fabbri

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dream Mousse Blushswatches

experience in the land of Albion (part 1) by Fabio

half months I spent in England Novembre.Non this was the reason I stopped writing, it was more a crisis mistica.Dopo long time since I write about me I think I should begin by quoting my short but intense trip to North europa.Premetto I came back because the place was not suitable for a person who wants to learn English and do not know why, but also droplets of pee on the toilet could not motivarmi.Il village was nice, a British-style (too trivial), was composed of a mini-shop, an Italian restaurant (where I served), a butcher, Torrentino that when it rains flooded homes and 1200 abitanti.Il my house was cold, I slept with her cap and in the morning I woke up with the stalagmites on viso.Il heating was in operation from 8:00 to 9:00, and warmed well, so much so that it took six days to dry the mutande.Poi I wised up and I brought my clothes to get warm by the fireplace in the restaurant and in an hour ... clothes dry and ready to be worn. My room was a neighbor of Romania which agree more ... I went to did not know English, did not know Italian, just say hello, and who knows what he dirmi.Non believe it is appropriate to tell all in a volta.Il problem is that the post would become too long and no one leggerebbe.Conosco my readers want short and long texts (to tell the difference). I will leave to spend a few days between an item and the other, so you'll have time to read calma.A soon .......... ............................... Cristian Fabbri

Friday, December 5, 2008

Exercising With Hair Weave


* The main feature of his character: they are extremely Lunatica
* The quality you prefer in a man: CONSISTENCY
* The quality you prefer in a woman: THE CHARM *
Its main flaw: I THINK TOO
* His dream of happiness: THE DISCOVERY OF ATLANTIS
* Your regrets DO NOT he retained the will to study
* The last time I cried: I DO NOT REMEMBER
* The meeting that changed her life: COMING SOON I HOPE
* Recurring dream: she is not letting
* The happiest day of his life: when I proved to myself that I can ...
* And the most unhappy when I lost loved ones
* The missing person to bring back to life: There should be SOMEONE that prevents asking this question
* What would be the greatest disgrace: Stop Dreaming
* The favorite school subject: HISTORY
preferred * City: ROMA
* favorite color: RED, BLACK, BLUE ... IT DEPENDS *
favorite flower: RED ROSE
* Favorite drink: GREEN TEA
* The favorite dish: FIORENTINA
* If he had a few million euro: VISIT THE WORLD
* Favourite book of all time: The Iliad
* Favourite book of recent years: The Atlantis BERLITZ
* Favorite Authors in prose: the prose CALVIN IS THE ART OF APOTHEOSIS
* favorite poets: Homer, Aristophanes, Boccaccio ...
*: favorite among so many? BON JOVI ... BUT NOT ONLY
* Your hero or his heroine: ACHILLE
* The most popular television: cult film Reservoir Dogs
*: * TROY
Favorite Actor: BRAD PITT
* Favorite Actress: Kristanna Loken, HALLE BERRY AND OTHERS 1000
* The song whistling in the shower: usually sings
* If you were to change something in her body, what would change?: * NOSE
most admired historical figure: SOLON *
most hated political figure: HITLER
* If he had not done the job that ago: I still have time to realize
* The gift of nature that would have: nerve
PURE * How would you like to die: what have LIVED .... I HOPE THAT IS FIGHTING