Thursday, September 18, 2008

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All agree!? Less taxes!?

The interior of the People of Freedom and former party leader sensazionale.Il AN Fini has recognized and called on "fellow" coalition to recognize the anti-fascism. Boom.I his former regents were rivoltati.Litigano, but do not want to hear about the Russian questione.La makes first tribute to the soldiers of the "Social Republic (Salo or soldiers), then agrees to the Minister infrastructure Matteoli, said that out of the party all those who disagree with Gianfranco.La has clear ideas ... Russian military authorities and civil defense and maximum hierarchical institution and discipline in the military have to put people decided as lui.Luca Malcotti, former adviser to the Capital says, "anti-fascism is not synonymous with freedom, but of death and violence." oh good, fascism and instead remember joyous spring picnic. But Berlusconi washes his hands and declares: "This is not about to politica.Io think only to work to solve the problems of Italians" ... of course, the Gelmini decree is a blatant example of this impegno.Si back to single teacher primary schools and cancel the English classes because, you know, nowadays you do not need to know English then molto.E English teachers what they will do well perhaps the Premier will invite them to come to England ... so the English sanno.Faranno .. uh ... the messenger. "Less taxes for all. "In Italy it was always thought that a State could not fail (as it has not happened to Argentina) and has always lived beyond their possibilità.Nell 'last Board of Active Members of the Red Cross (referred to I am a member as a volunteer), I learned that the fees and expenses increased by 6% compared to the scorso.Tolto 'you bugger ICI by another 2 or 3 parts so it is soft for you and we earn their tot% . I prefer those who said: "Gentlemen, we must sacrifice a bit of farli.Paghiamo a bit more time and lift us up in some anno.Iniziamo to pay all taxes, the accounting fraud prosecution back and maybe fix something." instead of: "Less taxes for everyone" and then find out (if you find out) who pay more in taxes, that shopping is more expensive, hope that you will not have to leave the insecurity, the ticket for the hospital costs more, that the poor are getting poorer .. . we encounter at Disneyland as Luttazzi.Non would want to side with anybody, I do not have a flag, and even if someone thinks, I've never been a free pensatore.Quello comunista.Mi I can say is: they are having sex anal with us, as you know, we remain passive .................... Cristian Fabbri


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