Friday, September 26, 2008

Is It Possible To Make Dummy Phones Work

A few nights ago I was on duty on the Cross Rossa.Ad one point the shift manager, Buce, asked me to bring a mattress that had borrowed from the Emergency . rifiutato.Arrivo Obviously I do not have in stock and a nurse tells me:
"Ah well, now is the mat ... but there I was given two!?"
"I have only this e. .."
"Of course, does not lead ambassador penis ..."
"Well, say worth"
"Right, what you've got it behind forever."
"No, you! Behind you've got it always you, I've got in front!? "
.................... Cristian Fabbri

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Do The Different Spots On A Sqaush


Abortion is a topic discusso.Le views are endless and very much varie.Vanno the most just to totally sbagliato.C 'is one cause why a woman decides to have an abortion: it was impregnated and will not keep the baby, for one reason or another . Many say: I could not tell my, I could not tell him I did not want to lose my love, he did not want, etc. ecc.Come can have an opinion? First: I am not a woman, second: I do not have never had the experience of the protagonist (it happened to many women I know). The only thing I think is that, for whatever reason they decide to have an abortion, should take responsibility and do not download them onto others (of course excluding borderline cases). The means to prevent an-unwelcome-pregnant sono.Se we are not used then you get to scelta.Uccido a life, "so would be finished in a condom? ". The choice may be discussed, with her boyfriend, with his family, with friends, with teachers, but with cats ... the last word voi.Lasciate only then that the others take the responsibility of your parent or future parent ecc.Se then just do not feel like ... the choice is still vostra.Cercate not regret it ................ Cristian Fabbri

Monday, September 22, 2008

How To Make Lady Gaga's Leather Jacket

bodily needs and various crap

They asked me if I ever use 3 discharges to go down a crap world?
Yes, I do capitava.Ti a trick to avoid wasting all that water (which is a very precious). Before you sit down to defecate on the toilet seat, manually deposited a piece of toilet paper in the toilet before acqua.In this way you will see that a discharge is more than enough to swallow the pipeline also Giuliano Ferrara (but is currently crossing the highway as the transport is excellent ... exactly, is covered by a green sheet in the shape of Yacht .) Meanwhile, the last book came out of Luciano Moggi, "What are the major players, referees can buy large" and that of Silvio Berlusconi: "The end justifies the means, if I want "............ Cristian Fabbri

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Xbox Controller Am Pc Wifi

All agree!? Less taxes!?

The interior of the People of Freedom and former party leader sensazionale.Il AN Fini has recognized and called on "fellow" coalition to recognize the anti-fascism. Boom.I his former regents were rivoltati.Litigano, but do not want to hear about the Russian questione.La makes first tribute to the soldiers of the "Social Republic (Salo or soldiers), then agrees to the Minister infrastructure Matteoli, said that out of the party all those who disagree with Gianfranco.La has clear ideas ... Russian military authorities and civil defense and maximum hierarchical institution and discipline in the military have to put people decided as lui.Luca Malcotti, former adviser to the Capital says, "anti-fascism is not synonymous with freedom, but of death and violence." oh good, fascism and instead remember joyous spring picnic. But Berlusconi washes his hands and declares: "This is not about to politica.Io think only to work to solve the problems of Italians" ... of course, the Gelmini decree is a blatant example of this impegno.Si back to single teacher primary schools and cancel the English classes because, you know, nowadays you do not need to know English then molto.E English teachers what they will do well perhaps the Premier will invite them to come to England ... so the English sanno.Faranno .. uh ... the messenger. "Less taxes for all. "In Italy it was always thought that a State could not fail (as it has not happened to Argentina) and has always lived beyond their possibilità.Nell 'last Board of Active Members of the Red Cross (referred to I am a member as a volunteer), I learned that the fees and expenses increased by 6% compared to the scorso.Tolto 'you bugger ICI by another 2 or 3 parts so it is soft for you and we earn their tot% . I prefer those who said: "Gentlemen, we must sacrifice a bit of farli.Paghiamo a bit more time and lift us up in some anno.Iniziamo to pay all taxes, the accounting fraud prosecution back and maybe fix something." instead of: "Less taxes for everyone" and then find out (if you find out) who pay more in taxes, that shopping is more expensive, hope that you will not have to leave the insecurity, the ticket for the hospital costs more, that the poor are getting poorer .. . we encounter at Disneyland as Luttazzi.Non would want to side with anybody, I do not have a flag, and even if someone thinks, I've never been a free pensatore.Quello comunista.Mi I can say is: they are having sex anal with us, as you know, we remain passive .................... Cristian Fabbri

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Canon Pixma Ip5200 Windows 7

Latino, that stuff ... It happens

I was told that the address of my blog is incorrect . They told me:
"Cristian, you write repetita Iuvant not repetita Juvante ..."
Yeah, it's true, you're absolutely right ... my answer:
"poetic license" ...
............. Cristian Fabbri

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Were To Get A Fake Id In Niagra Falls

Tonight I tried to share with some fellow students and our Guerrino monitor, a fact of which I am aware of: the production of "Smoke "understood as a drug leggera.Lascio losing what has been said about it, I emphasize a type of conduct that a person has had in my confronti.Non had even begun to expose the (for me) news, when I was interrupted by persona.Mi this was pointed out that, being a smoker, I take for my organismo.Esempio toxic tar, so I did not argomento.Chi is opposed to this truth? Nessuno.Ha ragione.Ma what I said, that is to say: "If the kids who think for themselves know how it is produced the smoke would stop to get the barrel", was considered "arrogant." Obviously I have not continued discorso.Poi I was pointed out that I had offeso.Non I had not noticed! I liked that because it was not the speech would not be worth it to avoid continuarlo.Ergo discussioni.A one point I point out that not just the kind of person who judges others not to do more but because they are not abituato.E here I was pointed out that a megalomane.Inoltre I seem to have taken these criticisms with malice and wickedness, so when this person criticize the I do it with malice cattiveria.Sono and bad and nasty, you see my faults These must be changed! Not dead?? do not agree at all what I was detto.E can not say that I do not care because they are expecting me incazzato.Non proprio.Quei defects do not belong to me (apart from a bit of arrogance), but I do not have any change! Not a critica.Le people do not change after a critical change with the esperienze.La criticism can only help in the adventure of 'experience, but if it's worth if it is presumptuous and ascoltarla.Non saccente.Alla end it seems that after I got arrogant, megalomaniac, mischievous and evil has changed his facial expression ... if you do not irritate me smile, because I I am not a person as a hypocrite you that continue to sorridere.E at that point I also took the person imbarazzante.Tra other things: I have no friends they do not know the flaws, everyone abbiamo.Ma accept defects as part of the person that I is a friend, do not try to change it (because the words are useful ... but do not serve to disintegrate the esteem of the people outside, if they shoot treacherous malice). The complete lack person and I also like to pay questionable attitudes . This is a lesson that I had the pleasure of observing the behavior of one of my greatest friends I ever had: Adrian.Ha endured some difficult moments in my attitudes irritants without saying anything, another person I would sent to hell or even would give me two lordoni.Grazie Adrian.Non dedicate anything to the person that I discusso.Per As for me not worth it ................ ............ Cristian Fabbri
ps: correct that the debate was aimed at those who are not part of my family, otherwise there would be no words to praise my great mother Catherine.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Best Masterbate Without

Two notes ...

A well-known Italian newspaper oriented to the left (to give you a clue: it is called liberation), has a slogan on the front page-especially someone might say demagogic slogan .Lo-communist states Gesù.Avendo knowledge about the life of Christ I say, "Yes, it's true." And I can also say that they have done well to use because that slogan to say "even Jesus was a communist" is different from saying "Jesus also ate children." I've come up with another analogy that links today's a bit of Italian politics and religion: Do you know phrases of the Most like "You will not have God outside of me?" There ... there they remind Berlusconi?? out those "desecration" to the right-minded as would the great Daniele Luttazzi: "There is no sacred profano.Sacro without the profane is called "fundamentalism". .......................... Cristian Fabbri

Friday, September 5, 2008

Catchy Quotes For 40th Invitations

Horoscope late summer

Aquarius in love you are lucky, you will be planted by partner.Il your work offers great opportunities there, try their luck in the new continent ... Mars
Pisces: If you are in Geneva to organize the next attack Bin Laden.Una begs you: I 20yo, let a little time to live in America ... there are so many 20 year old better than me.
Aries: you will find behind the next door lucky that I threw down.
Taurus: If you have not yet granted the leave in the fall you go on vacation in a resort esotica.Se not you send us ... you know what you can do with those corna.Non you grabbed? You know the rodeo? Your employer has eaten your father to blood ...
Twins: Siamese ... if you can only do three things.
Gemini Cancer cusp: You have just come out of your holiday in Sardinia and do not have the beak of a quattrino.Investite and miss at Alitalia the rest.
Cancer: Your time in the White House come to an end in breve.O unleash the war now or later, you can not take credit.
Leone: if I look bad I piss on him.
Virgin then you are a man.
Libra: you are over 70 by more than one year in jail and no more andare.Ma can not talk about you, there are many scales that have never broken anyone's cock.
Scorpio: great progress in love, love as many women want ... the important thing is to pay.
Sagittarius: The Americans want to send you to Mars to see if the local water is potabile.Ti bene.La pay more beautiful wreath is yours.
Capricorn: Do not get mad if you want to hunt Maroni because Italy does not have a passport, you know how many Italians have horns ... if you dress well if you notice ?....................... .......... Cristian Fabbri

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Artificial Sweetener Upset Tummy

The word to Carlo Rubbia

In a recent interview, Carlo Rubbia (Nobel Prize for physics) (as Scajola) said
"The oil and other fossil fuels are being exhaustion, but uranium is destined to run out within 35-40 years. We can not therefore continue to develop energy plans on the basis of incorrect predictions that might lead us astray. We must develop the most important energy source that nature always puts at our disposal, without limitation, at no cost: namely the sun every day illuminates and warms the earth. "
"When was the last reactor built in America? In 1979, thirty years ago! How important is the nuclear energy production in French? About 20 per cent. But the high cost of their 59 reactors have been supported by the fact State to maintain the nuclear arsenal. Let us remember that to build a nuclear plant requires 8-10 years of work that the proposed technology is based on a fuel, uranium in fact, of limited duration. And still, all over the world, waste problem. "
" There is no nuclear power safe. Or low-waste production. There is a probability, that every one hundred years, a step Nuclear power is possible, and this obviously increases with the number of power plants. "
" Coal is the dirtiest source of energy, most dangerous to the health of humanity. But it does not solve the problem by hiding carbon dioxide underground. In reality no one is saying how long it should remain, yet the CO2 lasts up to 30,000 years, compared with 22 000 of plutonium. No, the return to coal would be dramatic, disastrous. "
"There is a plant for the production of solar energy, built in the Nevada desert on English project. Costs 200 million dollars, produces 64 megawatts and to realize it takes only 18 months. With 20 such plants, it produces a a third of one gigawatt nuclear power plant. And the costs, which is still high, can be reduced considerably when they are manufactured in large quantities. Suffice it to say that a hypothetical square mirrors along 200 km on each side, could produce all the needed energy to the entire planet. And an area of \u200b\u200bthis size is equivalent to just 0.1 per cent of the desert areas of the so-called sun-belt. To supply electricity to one third of Italy, an area equivalent to 15 nuclear plants by a gigawatt, a single ring as big as the solar connection of Rome. "
"The new solar thermodynamic plants capture the energy and concentration to the hold in special containers until needed. Then, through a heat exchanger, to produce the steam that drives turbines. Neither more nor less than a dam, hydroelectric plants, water stops and releases it at the appropriate time to supply power. "

If it is so simple, why did not you?

"The sun is not subject to monopolies. It does not pay the bill. I believe this is a great opportunity for our country if we do we will do so very soon the Americans, as happened for the rest of the computer twenty years ago. " (March 30, 2008) Taken from the blog of Daniel Luttazzi.Può be an answer to those who ask if the problems concerning energy ............. CF