Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Insert Battery Into Cordless Mouse

Russia-Georgia ... Israel-Palestine ... Who knows? Evening

Lately I follow the Russia-Georgia affair, you have understand what has caused the chaos? The media broadcast a violent and unreasonable behavior by the Russians but it will go really well? An Italian boy, Luca-resident in Moscow says that in reality the night of 8 August the small Georgian forces shelled the capital of South Ossetia, Tshinvali.La Russian response was to mobilize a large army in direct Ossezia.Saakashvili, Georgian Prime Minister, speaking at the international television saying that Russia has chosen the day of the Olympics to wage war. That is, attempts to accuse Russia of what he did stesso.Con the fall of the Warsaw Pact was decided that the U.S. would not have been able to install NATO bases beyond the boundaries of Germania.Con Georgia's entry into the North Atlantic Treaty is an agreement concluded by the two divorces Superpotenze.La Russia is going for people like the overbearing turno.Chi has the opportunity to go to seek Putin's conference in Germany, where interessante.Ma the truth lies not sa.A this regard, I am talking about a conversation that I had the pleasure of eating with a girl of Sardinia, on a train that transported us from Olbia to Cagliari.Questa beautiful college student who resides in Florence, but the wonderful original island, told me about her boyfriend and their trips to jew "Holy Land." Worldwide there is a lot of confusion on issues between Jews and Palestinesi.Un some time ago I heard the news of a group of Israeli soldiers who had attacked an ambulance palestinese.Beatrice told me the mystery of the apparently monstrous gesture: Palestinian ambulances are allowed, or rather given away by the Israelis last Palestinesi.Questi to use them to transport the weapons in place of the needy, so much true that the Israeli hospitals are full of patients palestinesi.Gli Israelis what they do at that point? destroy the ambulance and armi.Non kill civilians who are hurt or soccorritori.Quando never a military or political objective is in an ambulance? The truth about some mysteries do not know if it is not palpable but ... attention to the news broadcast, are controlled and distorted ...................... .......... Cristian Fabbri


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