Sunday, August 31, 2008

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Are we so different? The interview

I am a very anti-racist and a little while ago I found a bit of similarities between mussulmana.Una the Christian faith and that of the many stories written about the Bible, tells of the "adventures" of a certain Abramo.Egli departed from Ur of the Chaldeans in età.Tarda late for us, the days were over 900 years as dirlo.Al Following his wife Sarah were the housekeeper and could not have Agar.Sara figli.L 'Almighty made a promise to Abraham that Sarah would bear a erede.Probabilmente the two did not take literally the promise of the Father because, you know, to times a rule was in force: the child did not belong to the woman who gave birth, but one that kept him on his legs when he saw her pregnant luce.Così Abraham the beloved servant and that "conspiracy" that Ishmael was born, thanks to the method mentioned earlier, was considered the son of Sara all effetti.Poco later discovered to be sweet Sara attesa.Mesi Isacco.I was born after two brothers who have become a bit older, always ended for litigare.Scaramucce between brothers, capisce.Ma a mother (and vice -head of household), does not see it the same way, Sara decided to expel Hagar and her son Ishmael from their cammino.Abramo reluctantly abandoned poor acconsentì.I two began their journey to Egypt and so on. and if the cavarono.Abramo, Sara and Isaac continued their journey toward the "Promised Land." Paradoxically Isaac (being the son of Abraham) is the founder of the Christian religion; Ishmael however, is that of the other religion Mussulmana.Tra the translation of the names of the first man and first woman is Muslim: Adam Eva.Allah and created the heavens and the Earth at the same time and how much different Dio.Siamo ?.................... Cristian Fabbri


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