Sunday, September 20, 2009

Settings To Bake Cake In Kenstar Oven

factor G (knuckle)

"There is so much Big Brother in the new Colorado Cafè" writes a paper presenting the new edition of the program One of Italy. How much modesty. Not having to give account of my words in an editor, I will tell it as it is. That is to say, there's so much factor G (as a chick) in the new Colorado Cafè . One factor that is expressed as follows: three coloradine "(not enough for all the other"-ine ") who with their" interludes "- and the cups of their bras - will fill the space between a comedian and another. All three former tenants of the house of Big Brother: most artificial Cristina Del Basso (a sixth of plastic against the fourth that the already generous nature had given), the Neapolitan Francesca Fioretti and the usual Melita "Betty Boop" Toniolo.
Also in the newspapers, we read that the three carriers -sound-of-mighty-measures will have to suffer the ridicule of artists from Colorado Cafè . "But we have fun and self-mocking, promise.
and us, we have to suffer all this from home? We are at the point of departure to Italy to re-release "Videocracy", where "just appear", possibly with a mammoth breasts and microcostumi to cover as little as possible. We also are self-mocking - to take all this in the long run we become - but there is no fun at all.
I expect compensation for moral damages.


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