Sunday, September 6, 2009

Casalinghe Porche Pic

journalist journalist

journalist journalist is what brings the scoop, and do not always pick the applause. Indeed.
I just saw "Fortapàsc, Marco Risi's film about the life and work of Giancarlo Siani, a journalist killed by the mafia at the age of 26 years, 23 September 1985 .
The reporter-journalist who is finding the facts and tells them to people, so people can know and take an informed decision.
I am, in my small way, a journalist employed. I am a gear wheel - gruff, low-oiled, but still a wheel - used to make the car go. The thing in itself I do not mind: they are also journalists-employed, otherwise the machine does not go and where they publish the scoop journalists-journalists?
The problem is that, as they say at some point in the film, "Italy is a country for journalists-journalists" . And I would add, without journalists, reporters informed you without consistency. So, no use. People do not know / do not understand the facts, and so does not have the means to take an informed decision.
organized crime - that Giancarlo Siani was killed in 26 years - do not like to kill. Why does kill "scruscio" makes a noise. Attracts attention. That's why - perhaps - the mob today and will be happy to work in profiler a system in which to silence the few journalists-journalists who are still enough to discredit them publicly through the TV and / or the Great Newspaper Publisher or put pressure on their small publishers (banks, industrial, etc.) through the powers of the Great Publisher Moreover the Prime Minister (the publicity langue, funds that do not get more, etc.). You do not die again. Agonizes information, not people. But in the end, amid a thousand fears and self-censorship, the breed of reporter-journalist dies, and remains the only journalist employed. Half package, zero utility.

In memory of all journalists-journalists killed in the course of their work. These include: Beppe Alfano, Ilaria Alpi, Enzo Baldoni, Mauro Brutto, Carlo Casalegno, Cosimo Cristina, Maria Grazia Cuturi, Mauro De Mauro, Giuseppe Fava, Mario French, Carmine Pecorelli, Giancarlo Siani, John Spampinato.


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