Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Want Know About Senegal

Essperienza Satire in the land of Albion (part 5)

old New Year ... Happy New Year speech to my readers, if you read all my posts and comments on them to fuck the doppio.Oggi speak of the masters: James and Daniel.
What can I say I have to talk about choices, choices that led them to a different life.
Daniela is a woman in her forties, short, bespectacled and not particularly attraente.Ha tried to explain the uses and technology of the restaurant but in a discutibile.Voglio say that doing exactly as she always asked me was wrong to blame qualcosa.E I did! James, 45, a tall, more or less like me (about six feet and then ... well, let's say and seventy-three) goffo.Nonostante curl and this has had the ability to obtain positions of prestige ' internal good restaurants all over southern England and, eventually, he or she is the chance to manage one, "La Dolce Vita." Bari escaped from 25 years ago to escape the service leva.Le first words to me said, were dedicated to their children: Matthew, Serena said she was suffering and Luca.Mi to manage the restaurant and even more suffered the consorte.Mi told the dinners eaten at home every day, before taking the first set and always locale.Sempre separate ora.Solo Sunday evening eat insieme.Il restaurant has its own unique turn of rest and they go out to dinner. "But the children are changing so fast," says malinconico.Per strength! grow, you work and you will not accorgi.Da I understand these things What is really capitalism: to become slaves of money without enjoying vita.Vedere numbers that grow in the bank worth more than seeing a child crescere.Vero is that they do for them, but as a contribution to the character you have given your child and what lessons will make you remember? About the children do not have much to say, I knew them appena.Matteo, 7 years, embodies good boy, quiet, peace, 5, nice and sweet girl who always wanted to play with my pc, Luke, 3 years, a terrible plague, which reminded me a lot to età.Alla its next to my friends Steven and John ................................. Cristian Fabbri


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