Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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In practice, it can be seen as The U.S. watch and comment on the mighty of the earth. Speaking in a video conference at the third annual Arab investigative journalists in Amman, Jordan, founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange said the documents "relate essentially all of the major issues in every country in the world." Assange said not to have gone in person because "Jordan is not the safest country when you have the CIA at his heels." "In the last month I spent all my energies to prepare the publication of the diplomatic history of the U.S. - added the Australian hackers - and we saw how the U.S. has tried to disarm the possible effects that these files will have."

months to publish all documents. 251,287 so-called "diplomatic cablegrams" sent to the State Department and the embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions in the U.S. around the world, in addition to 8 thousand directives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at U.S. diplomatic missions around the world. They would, however, only 4,330 documents "explosive." The publication is scheduled for Sunday at 22:30, Italian time. But by the evening of Sunday the sites of newspapers such as New York Times, the Guardian, the German Spiegel and English El Pais, which Assange gave a preview of the file, they are gradually releasing the contents of the documents. But the documents of the Department of State will be published by Wikileaks in various blocks in the coming months, writes the site owners that the topics are of such importance and so geographically extensive that doing otherwise would not do justice to the material. Promises more revelations about "closed eyes" of the United States on cases of corruption and human rights abuses in satellite states, lobbying of U.S. companies, backroom deals with neutral nations. DER SPIEGEL COVER

. Just in this game advances, the Der Spiegel (who according to a blogger was already put on sale at newsstands in Basel, Switzerland) already since Sunday evening has put online a page illustrative: "Obama prefers to look to the East rather than West, "" Obama has no feelings towards Europe "," The U.S. sees the world as a clash between two superpowers. The European Union plays a secondary role "," Europe is not as important to the U.S. ". "From the cover - says Owni - read that Ahmadinejad 'Hitler', Sarkozy is a 'naked emperor', Karzai is 'driven by paranoia'." And again: "The articles inside scanned learn that the U.S. has a contact inside the German Government, a member of the liberal party FDP. Chancellor Angela Merkel has described as 'rare and refractory creative risks'. The revelations about the German Government are so detailed as to Spiegel writes that 'the United States are better informed about the secrets of the German policy of these German politicians. " Then we find: "Berlusconi, wild partying," Medvedev undecided, "" Putin male dominant. "

the cover of Der Spiegel RISK US-ALLIES. According to The New York Times, the expressions used in documents of such nature as to dynamite the relations between the U.S. and some of His main allies "and" may put at risk some important projects of its foreign policy, as the approach to Russia or the support of some Arab countries. The scope of these revelations is such that we can speak of a before and after, with regard to diplomatic customs. These rumors can end an era of foreign policy. "

SITE INFORMATION UNDER ATTACK.'s Website Wikileaks, the afternoon of Sunday, has come under cyber attack. Responsible to report via Twitter." We are experiencing a DDoS (distributed denial of service, literally a denial of service), "it said in the message string. The site was actually inaccessible for about an hour. The Guardian, however, announced that it will publish the documents in its possession, whatever will be the state of the Wikileaks site in the evening.

BERLUSCONI: WILD PARTY. " The online edition of El Pais began publication with the cover photos of seven world leaders, including Silvio Berlusconi, with a quote taken from a famous American, "The wild party of Berlusconi." The English newspaper under the title "Secrets of American diplomacy in the open," speaks of "corrosive reports on Putin, Ahmadinejad, Sarkozy, Merkel and Berlusconi." Italian Prime Minister describes the wild parties and evidenced by the "deep mistrust that arouses in Washington." Putin About the journal states that the documents "highlight the suspicion that the American policy of Russia is in the hands of Vladimir Putin, held a political-style authoritarian style of which the pharmacist can connect perfectly with Silvio Berlusconi." According to El Pais "American diplomacy does not show a great respect even for the French president Nicolas Sarkozy."

"SPOKESMAN FOR BERLUSCONI PUTIN IN EUROPE." An extraordinarily close relationship between Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which includes "generous gift", profitable energy contracts: Berlusconi seems to be Putin's spokesman in Europe. So - according to The New York Times - U.S. diplomats have described in 2009 the relations between Italy and Russia. There would also be a mediator "shadow" Italian-speaking Russian in the relations between Berlusconi and Putin, yet American diplomats say.

BERLUSCONI PHYSICALLY AND POLITICALLY WEAK. " The Italian prime minister is leading a "physically and politically weak" whose "long nights and frequent inclination to mean that parties do not rest enough." "Incapable, vain and ineffective leader as modern European." This was stated by the American charge d'affaires in Rome Elisabeth Dibble in a document sent to Washington and published by Wikileaks. The telegram of Dribble is quoted by the Guardian, a newspaper that has the secret documents obtained by Wikileaks.

CLINTON CHURCH NEWS "AFFAIRS" Berlusconi. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked earlier this year at U.S. embassies in Rome and Moscow about any "personal investment" of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin that may affect the economic or foreign policies of their countries it said in a document published by the German weekly Der Spiegel.

"FRATTINI FRUSTRATED BY DOUBLE PLAY TURKEY. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini "expressed particular frustration with the double-expansion to Europe and Iran by Turkey." And 'because it reveals a telegram - published by Wikileaks and classified as secret - sent to Washington by the U.S. Embassy in Rome last February 8, following a meeting between the Minister and the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates United States. The "challenge, according to Frattini, is to bring China to the table" talks on the Iranian issue. China and India, according to Frattini are "critical for countries to adopt measures that could affect the Iranian government without hurting the people." The ministry is also proposed to include Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela and Egypt in the conversations, "the report said. Frattini "has also proposed an informal meeting between the countries of the Middle East" for "consultations on the Iranian issue." E - said - "the Secretary of State agrees with Clinton."

U.S. asked ITALY BLOCK SUPPLY VESSELS FOR IRAN. The U.S., writes the NYT, asked Italy to stop the supply of 12 high-speed ships with Tehran that Iran would attack the U.S. fleet in the Gulf, and the request was granted "only after 11 months of resistance, during which the first 11 ships were still delivered. " The vessels involved are vessels of the Italian Greyhound lookout Fb design. 'It's true, it is a mystery,' he declared in 2008 the owner of Fabio Buzzi. "I sold technology to the Iranians and ships, sell them regularly to the Iranian secret services." Buzzi also say they have disrupted sales in 2005, when the U.S. government questioned him about its business with the Revolutionary Guard.

Gaddafi. In his message the American ambassador in Tripoli, "Gaddafi said that the use botox and is a true hypochondriac, which is filming all of his medical examinations to analyze them later with his doctors." Rarely without his "Ukrainian nurse", a "voluptuous blonde." So American diplomats - The New York Times - describes Gaddafi who was annoyed by how it was received in New York for the UN General Assembly last year.

KIRCHNER. The NYT also speaks of "suspects that the Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner raised in Washington, to the point that the secretary of state arrives to inquire about his mental state ".

U.S. Arab allies wanted to attack Iran. The U.S. Arab allies, especially Saudi Arabia, pushing for an attack against Iran to block the nuclear program, says the Guardian about the documents Wikileaks.

U.S. ORDERING Spy UN summit. The U.S. State Department in July 2009 ordered him to spy on UN summits, including the secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, in the Security Council and the representatives of China, Russia, France and Great Britain. The "classified," wrote the Guardian, was sent to 30 embassies on behalf of the secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and asked the collection of personal information on these and many other leaders as well as under-secretaries, directors and employees, including passwords used, the key code used to communicate and even biometric data. "Information - writes the Guardian - that seem to blur the line between diplomacy and espionage."

HELD IN GUANTANAMO CHANGE OF MEETING WITH OBAMA. A file of Wikileaks published by The New York Times recounts the conversations of diplomats on U.S. attempts to persuade the governments of some countries to hold detainees in Guantanamo. Slovenia has been asked to accept a prisoner in exchange for a meeting with Barack Obama. Kiribati to have been offered millions of dollars to accept a group of inmates. In Belgium it is suggested that to accept prisoners would ensure "visibility" in Europe.

REMOVAL FROM URANIUM REACTOR PAKISTANI. Since 2007 the U.S. launched covert actions, so far unsuccessfully, to remove from a nuclear reactor in Pakistan's highly enriched uranium that "American officials feared could be used for a bomb not lawful ', reveal the documents published by Nyt.

TURKEY: ERDOGAN Islamic threat. " According to Spiegel published by Wikileaks in documents of the United States reveal that the turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is an Islamist threat because it would be particularly under the influence of his foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu. According to American diplomats Davutoglu would be "very dangerous" for fundamentalist influences he exerted on Erdogan. An adviser to the turkish government party AKP declared ironically in an American document "we want to take back the Andalusia and avenge the defeat of the siege of Vienna in 1683." Erdogan was placed in leadership positions Islamic bankers and information through newspapers close to fundamentalism. The document is written that "the head of the turkish government is surrounded by a ring of iron subjected to consultants (and presumptuous)" and considers himself "the tribune of the people of Anatolia."

CHINA CONNECTION 'GOOGLE'. The Politburo in Beijing led the intrusion into computer systems of Google in China. And 'what emerges from the files of Wikileaks published The New York Times. A touch of China informed the U.S. embassy in January. The cyber attack was part of a coordinated campaign by government figures and executed by pirates experts recruited by the Chinese government. The same went, since 2002, in the computer systems of the U.S. government and some Western allies, those of the Dalai Lama and U.S. companies.

"UNIFIED KOREA. Imagining a possible collapse of North Korea, South Korean and U.S. officials discussed the prospect of a unified Korea, if the economic problems and political transition of the North had led to the implosion of the country. The South Koreans were also taken into consideration commercial incentives to China. A revelation was the U.S. ambassador to Seoul, Kathleen Stephens. In February, he reported to Washington that South Korean officials believed that "the right trade agreements would mitigate the concern of China" to live with a reunited Korea "ally" the United States.

ISRAEL "PUT". Are relatively few surprises so far emerged from the revelations of Wikileaks documents on the State Department, and Israel has not suffered significant setbacks. These, in summary, assessments of Israeli commentators in the press today. "From what we have been served up yesterday with a teaspoon of material from the mine - writes an analyst for Haaretz, Amir Oren - there are many new details, but not a change the general framework. "analyzed the documents Oren concludes that the private meetings between the Israelis and their American diplomats" are like a press conference, "while the real secrets are apparently discussed elsewhere. A similar feeling of a commentator Yom ha-Israel pro-government newspaper, Dan Margalit, that "Israel has come out dry" by the flood of revelations, even if it is not inconceivable that embarrassing documents reveal at a later time. Most commentators seem to be welcomed among Sever Flotzker on Yediot Ahronot, that "if the site Wikileaks did not exist, Israel would have to invent it." Examination of the documents Flotzker concludes that the "Iranian threat" is not is by no means "an entire Israeli paranoia" but rather is a nightmare "that takes away the sleep from leader of the free world, from Riyadh to Moscow." "It 's no doubt - he concludes - that foreign policy and security of Israel has in recent years, support that goal as significant as it came last night, at least for the Iranian issue."

UN ASKS IMMUNITY '. In a statement made public Sunday, the UN official calls for respect "immunity and international agreements" that govern the functioning of the Organization. Without ever mentioning specifically the U.S., the United Nations respond to the revelations of Wikileaks so that the State Department officials wanted to spy on UN and follow the moves of the same Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.



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