Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Request Money Instead Of Gift For First Birthday



In practice, it can be seen as The U.S. watch and comment on the mighty of the earth. Speaking in a video conference at the third annual Arab investigative journalists in Amman, Jordan, founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange said the documents "relate essentially all of the major issues in every country in the world." Assange said not to have gone in person because "Jordan is not the safest country when you have the CIA at his heels." "In the last month I spent all my energies to prepare the publication of the diplomatic history of the U.S. - added the Australian hackers - and we saw how the U.S. has tried to disarm the possible effects that these files will have."

months to publish all documents. 251,287 so-called "diplomatic cablegrams" sent to the State Department and the embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions in the U.S. around the world, in addition to 8 thousand directives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at U.S. diplomatic missions around the world. They would, however, only 4,330 documents "explosive." The publication is scheduled for Sunday at 22:30, Italian time. But by the evening of Sunday the sites of newspapers such as New York Times, the Guardian, the German Spiegel and English El Pais, which Assange gave a preview of the file, they are gradually releasing the contents of the documents. But the documents of the Department of State will be published by Wikileaks in various blocks in the coming months, writes the site owners that the topics are of such importance and so geographically extensive that doing otherwise would not do justice to the material. Promises more revelations about "closed eyes" of the United States on cases of corruption and human rights abuses in satellite states, lobbying of U.S. companies, backroom deals with neutral nations. DER SPIEGEL COVER

. Just in this game advances, the Der Spiegel (who according to a blogger was already put on sale at newsstands in Basel, Switzerland) already since Sunday evening has put online a page illustrative: "Obama prefers to look to the East rather than West, "" Obama has no feelings towards Europe "," The U.S. sees the world as a clash between two superpowers. The European Union plays a secondary role "," Europe is not as important to the U.S. ". "From the cover - says Owni - read that Ahmadinejad 'Hitler', Sarkozy is a 'naked emperor', Karzai is 'driven by paranoia'." And again: "The articles inside scanned learn that the U.S. has a contact inside the German Government, a member of the liberal party FDP. Chancellor Angela Merkel has described as 'rare and refractory creative risks'. The revelations about the German Government are so detailed as to Spiegel writes that 'the United States are better informed about the secrets of the German policy of these German politicians. " Then we find: "Berlusconi, wild partying," Medvedev undecided, "" Putin male dominant. "

the cover of Der Spiegel RISK US-ALLIES. According to The New York Times, the expressions used in documents of such nature as to dynamite the relations between the U.S. and some of His main allies "and" may put at risk some important projects of its foreign policy, as the approach to Russia or the support of some Arab countries. The scope of these revelations is such that we can speak of a before and after, with regard to diplomatic customs. These rumors can end an era of foreign policy. "

SITE INFORMATION UNDER ATTACK.'s Website Wikileaks, the afternoon of Sunday, has come under cyber attack. Responsible to report via Twitter." We are experiencing a DDoS (distributed denial of service, literally a denial of service), "it said in the message string. The site was actually inaccessible for about an hour. The Guardian, however, announced that it will publish the documents in its possession, whatever will be the state of the Wikileaks site in the evening.

BERLUSCONI: WILD PARTY. " The online edition of El Pais began publication with the cover photos of seven world leaders, including Silvio Berlusconi, with a quote taken from a famous American, "The wild party of Berlusconi." The English newspaper under the title "Secrets of American diplomacy in the open," speaks of "corrosive reports on Putin, Ahmadinejad, Sarkozy, Merkel and Berlusconi." Italian Prime Minister describes the wild parties and evidenced by the "deep mistrust that arouses in Washington." Putin About the journal states that the documents "highlight the suspicion that the American policy of Russia is in the hands of Vladimir Putin, held a political-style authoritarian style of which the pharmacist can connect perfectly with Silvio Berlusconi." According to El Pais "American diplomacy does not show a great respect even for the French president Nicolas Sarkozy."

"SPOKESMAN FOR BERLUSCONI PUTIN IN EUROPE." An extraordinarily close relationship between Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, which includes "generous gift", profitable energy contracts: Berlusconi seems to be Putin's spokesman in Europe. So - according to The New York Times - U.S. diplomats have described in 2009 the relations between Italy and Russia. There would also be a mediator "shadow" Italian-speaking Russian in the relations between Berlusconi and Putin, yet American diplomats say.

BERLUSCONI PHYSICALLY AND POLITICALLY WEAK. " The Italian prime minister is leading a "physically and politically weak" whose "long nights and frequent inclination to mean that parties do not rest enough." "Incapable, vain and ineffective leader as modern European." This was stated by the American charge d'affaires in Rome Elisabeth Dibble in a document sent to Washington and published by Wikileaks. The telegram of Dribble is quoted by the Guardian, a newspaper that has the secret documents obtained by Wikileaks.

CLINTON CHURCH NEWS "AFFAIRS" Berlusconi. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, asked earlier this year at U.S. embassies in Rome and Moscow about any "personal investment" of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Vladimir Putin that may affect the economic or foreign policies of their countries it said in a document published by the German weekly Der Spiegel.

"FRATTINI FRUSTRATED BY DOUBLE PLAY TURKEY. Foreign Minister Franco Frattini "expressed particular frustration with the double-expansion to Europe and Iran by Turkey." And 'because it reveals a telegram - published by Wikileaks and classified as secret - sent to Washington by the U.S. Embassy in Rome last February 8, following a meeting between the Minister and the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates United States. The "challenge, according to Frattini, is to bring China to the table" talks on the Iranian issue. China and India, according to Frattini are "critical for countries to adopt measures that could affect the Iranian government without hurting the people." The ministry is also proposed to include Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Brazil, Venezuela and Egypt in the conversations, "the report said. Frattini "has also proposed an informal meeting between the countries of the Middle East" for "consultations on the Iranian issue." E - said - "the Secretary of State agrees with Clinton."

U.S. asked ITALY BLOCK SUPPLY VESSELS FOR IRAN. The U.S., writes the NYT, asked Italy to stop the supply of 12 high-speed ships with Tehran that Iran would attack the U.S. fleet in the Gulf, and the request was granted "only after 11 months of resistance, during which the first 11 ships were still delivered. " The vessels involved are vessels of the Italian Greyhound lookout Fb design. 'It's true, it is a mystery,' he declared in 2008 the owner of Fabio Buzzi. "I sold technology to the Iranians and ships, sell them regularly to the Iranian secret services." Buzzi also say they have disrupted sales in 2005, when the U.S. government questioned him about its business with the Revolutionary Guard.

Gaddafi. In his message the American ambassador in Tripoli, "Gaddafi said that the use botox and is a true hypochondriac, which is filming all of his medical examinations to analyze them later with his doctors." Rarely without his "Ukrainian nurse", a "voluptuous blonde." So American diplomats - The New York Times - describes Gaddafi who was annoyed by how it was received in New York for the UN General Assembly last year.

KIRCHNER. The NYT also speaks of "suspects that the Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner raised in Washington, to the point that the secretary of state arrives to inquire about his mental state ".

U.S. Arab allies wanted to attack Iran. The U.S. Arab allies, especially Saudi Arabia, pushing for an attack against Iran to block the nuclear program, says the Guardian about the documents Wikileaks.

U.S. ORDERING Spy UN summit. The U.S. State Department in July 2009 ordered him to spy on UN summits, including the secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, in the Security Council and the representatives of China, Russia, France and Great Britain. The "classified," wrote the Guardian, was sent to 30 embassies on behalf of the secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and asked the collection of personal information on these and many other leaders as well as under-secretaries, directors and employees, including passwords used, the key code used to communicate and even biometric data. "Information - writes the Guardian - that seem to blur the line between diplomacy and espionage."

HELD IN GUANTANAMO CHANGE OF MEETING WITH OBAMA. A file of Wikileaks published by The New York Times recounts the conversations of diplomats on U.S. attempts to persuade the governments of some countries to hold detainees in Guantanamo. Slovenia has been asked to accept a prisoner in exchange for a meeting with Barack Obama. Kiribati to have been offered millions of dollars to accept a group of inmates. In Belgium it is suggested that to accept prisoners would ensure "visibility" in Europe.

REMOVAL FROM URANIUM REACTOR PAKISTANI. Since 2007 the U.S. launched covert actions, so far unsuccessfully, to remove from a nuclear reactor in Pakistan's highly enriched uranium that "American officials feared could be used for a bomb not lawful ', reveal the documents published by Nyt.

TURKEY: ERDOGAN Islamic threat. " According to Spiegel published by Wikileaks in documents of the United States reveal that the turkish Prime Minister Erdogan is an Islamist threat because it would be particularly under the influence of his foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu. According to American diplomats Davutoglu would be "very dangerous" for fundamentalist influences he exerted on Erdogan. An adviser to the turkish government party AKP declared ironically in an American document "we want to take back the Andalusia and avenge the defeat of the siege of Vienna in 1683." Erdogan was placed in leadership positions Islamic bankers and information through newspapers close to fundamentalism. The document is written that "the head of the turkish government is surrounded by a ring of iron subjected to consultants (and presumptuous)" and considers himself "the tribune of the people of Anatolia."

CHINA CONNECTION 'GOOGLE'. The Politburo in Beijing led the intrusion into computer systems of Google in China. And 'what emerges from the files of Wikileaks published The New York Times. A touch of China informed the U.S. embassy in January. The cyber attack was part of a coordinated campaign by government figures and executed by pirates experts recruited by the Chinese government. The same went, since 2002, in the computer systems of the U.S. government and some Western allies, those of the Dalai Lama and U.S. companies.

"UNIFIED KOREA. Imagining a possible collapse of North Korea, South Korean and U.S. officials discussed the prospect of a unified Korea, if the economic problems and political transition of the North had led to the implosion of the country. The South Koreans were also taken into consideration commercial incentives to China. A revelation was the U.S. ambassador to Seoul, Kathleen Stephens. In February, he reported to Washington that South Korean officials believed that "the right trade agreements would mitigate the concern of China" to live with a reunited Korea "ally" the United States.

ISRAEL "PUT". Are relatively few surprises so far emerged from the revelations of Wikileaks documents on the State Department, and Israel has not suffered significant setbacks. These, in summary, assessments of Israeli commentators in the press today. "From what we have been served up yesterday with a teaspoon of material from the mine - writes an analyst for Haaretz, Amir Oren - there are many new details, but not a change the general framework. "analyzed the documents Oren concludes that the private meetings between the Israelis and their American diplomats" are like a press conference, "while the real secrets are apparently discussed elsewhere. A similar feeling of a commentator Yom ha-Israel pro-government newspaper, Dan Margalit, that "Israel has come out dry" by the flood of revelations, even if it is not inconceivable that embarrassing documents reveal at a later time. Most commentators seem to be welcomed among Sever Flotzker on Yediot Ahronot, that "if the site Wikileaks did not exist, Israel would have to invent it." Examination of the documents Flotzker concludes that the "Iranian threat" is not is by no means "an entire Israeli paranoia" but rather is a nightmare "that takes away the sleep from leader of the free world, from Riyadh to Moscow." "It 's no doubt - he concludes - that foreign policy and security of Israel has in recent years, support that goal as significant as it came last night, at least for the Iranian issue."

UN ASKS IMMUNITY '. In a statement made public Sunday, the UN official calls for respect "immunity and international agreements" that govern the functioning of the Organization. Without ever mentioning specifically the U.S., the United Nations respond to the revelations of Wikileaks so that the State Department officials wanted to spy on UN and follow the moves of the same Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fomat Authorization Letter For Disconnection

MILLS OPEN TO SPOLETO - 20 and November 21.

MILLS OPEN TO SPOLETO - 20 and November 21.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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This is an e-mail ( ) sent by Luke ( ). You can find this link interesting websites:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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zinepal [1]
newspaper online
* Attempt to break into a store today in Corso Mazzini [2]
20Sun, 09/26/2010 - 13:24 News from [3]
* Robert Neal "The Farewell" installation [4] Fri, 10/01 / 2010 - 17:00
News from [5] * A
Spoleto lights up the night with Bistrot Cafe Spoleto [6] Sun,
10/10/2010 - 06:00 from Foligno Magazine [7] *
Spol eto Bistrot Cafe opening [8] Sun, 10/10/2010 - 06:03
Italycult from [9]
*? Microcosm - of the black square? Dell teramana
artist Gabriella Fabbri. [10] Sun, 10/09/2010 - 19:54
folignomagazine from [11] *
? microcosm - of the black square? Dell teramana
artist Gabriella Fabbri. [12] Sun, 10/09/2010 - 19:03 from [13]
* Robert Neal "The Farewell" installation in Spoleto [14] Fri, 10/01
/ 2010 - 17:00 from Foligno Magazine [15]
* Robert Neal "The Farewell" installation [16] Sun, 10/06/2010 - 18:16
folignomagazine from [17] *
Spoletofestivalart 2010 Annual Report of the first edition [ 18] Sun,
09/29/2010 - 14:15 from [19] *
news [20] Sun, 10/01/2010 - 18:20 folignomagazine from [21]
* Attempt to break into a store today in Corso Mazzini [22]
Sun, 09/26/2010 - 15:50 from [23]
--- -
[2] view = article & id = 646: attempt-to-break-today-in-a-shop-of-course-mazzini & catid = 34: Final & Itemid = 93
[3] / feed / news
[4] & view = article id = 70: robert-neal-qil-commiatoq-installation & catid = 45: arts-and-entertainment & Itemid = 76
[5] /feed/notizie-0
[6] http://www.folignomagazine.c
[7] /feed/foligno-magazine
[9] /feed/italycult-0
[11] /feed/folignomagazine-0
[12] http://spoletowebcom.blogspot
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[22] / = 2 2010/09
[23] / feed/spoletoweb-com-0

Can You Snore With Mouth Closed


Luca Ricci

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Rear Foot

"microcosm - of the black square" by the Teramo Gabriella Fabbri.

"microcosm - of the black square" by the Teramo Gabriella Fabbri.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dow Futures Graph Bloomberg

Robert Neal "The Farewell" installation

Robert Neal "The Farewell" installation

Freedom Art Studio (Spoleto, Via Brignone 2) presents 'The Farewell', an installation artist Robert Neal. Before opening, Sunday, October 3, 4:00 p.m. to 19:30. Then open Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., until 23 October.

the middle of this installation (painting, photography, text) is the final stanza, the leave or leave of Song (Donna me please ...) by Guido Cavalcanti, a masterpiece of the thirteenth century, much admired in the twentieth century the American poet, Ezra Pound. The 'release' from the poet to his poetry, as describes the leave of Cavalcanti, Robert Neal has suggested to the flight of a bird singing. In contrast to this image of freedom is no barbed wire, a symbol of prigonia. Although this reference is not specific, it evokes the detention of Pound in 1945 by the American authorities in a 'cage' near Pisa.

About the artist: After a career in the financial City of London, Robert Neal has registered at Chelsea School of Art, where (in 2000) has degree in fine arts with honors. Subsequently, al'University of Essex, made a doctorate (Ph.D) in history and theory of art. Now, he continues to do research and write on philosophical aesthetics, as well as create and display artwork. He lives in the countryside of Northamptonshire, England, and is frequently at Spoleto. [Contact: ]

Art Studio Liberty
06049 Spoleto, Via Brignone 2

October 1, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

'lump On Greyhounds Nose'


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Fwd: TIGER MOSQUITO - Starting next week, the fourth and final round of treatment

Luca Ricci

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Fwd: TIGER MOSQUITO - Starting next week, the fourth and final round of treatment

Luca Ricci

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Fwd: In autumn travel throughout Italy from 19 €!

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06049 Spoleto
cel.3342802528 Luca Ricci

Saturday, September 11, 2010

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lump Below My Stomach

Salerno: MAYOR KILLED POLLICA Angelo Vassallo

lurking in Salerno: MAYOR KILLED POLLICA Angelo Vassallo

E 'was killed in an ambush, which occurred overnight in the village Acciaroli tourist resort on the Cilento, the Mayor of Pollica (Salerno), AngeloVassallo, a fisherman by profession. The man was found dead in his car. It would have been hit by bullets 6:00 to 7:00.

The car stopped in a narrow street, and 'a short distance from the house of the mayor. Vassallo had 57 years. He was married with two children working in the catering industry. Service in a civil list in March, Vassallo was the second consecutive term. In the past it was also Councilor of Salerno.

AngeloVassallo who was probably killed in a car along the road just opened by the Mayor of Pollica had to travel on board the Audi for its return home. Vassallo's car was found with the handbrake on. The mayor might have found his lane blocked the other car, and have stopped at which point the gunman got out of the car would explode nine shots through the open window Audio Vassallo.

The discovery of the corpse came when his wife was worried for the retention diVassallo and tried unsuccessfully to call him on the phone. The woman, accompanied by the brother of the victim, he explored the area around the house until you find the Audi with the corpse on board.


"It 'a very serious act of violence but it is too early to hazard hypothesis. As soon as news will reassure the public." So the prosecutor Vallo della Lucania, Gianfranco Grippo, responded to reporters who asked him what tracks are followed in the investigation into the murder of the mayor of Pollica. "The Camorra Cilento moves, not remains ferma.Verificheremo if Acciaroli may attract more interest than other areas, "said Grippo.


" I have too many shots fired in a territory that has a mentality of violence. " It 'as said Alfredo pm Greek, the Prosecutor of the Republic of Vallo della Lucania who investigates the murder of the mayor of Pollica, Angelo Vassallo. For the journalists who asked him which track is followed at this time, Greek said, " If we prefer a track not known to work. We have two or three things to check, but do not ask more. "The prosecutor knew Greek Angelo Vassallo with whom he had established a good relationship over the years.

" I turned - Said the prosecutor - to receive some advice. "And on possible threats, as has been mooted somewhere, Greek replied to reporters:" Angelo Vassallo was not the type to be intimidated. This with me has never spoken. "

PM, 50% and 'Camorra but does not exclude anything

" The methods of stalking us say that there is a 50% chance that mold Camorra, but at this stage we do not exclude any track and it does not accredit any particular one. "Thus, the public prosecutor in Vallo della Lucania, Giancarlo Grippo, at the end of the inspection carried out at a crime scene Vassallo, the mayor of the last killed Pollica night, leaves open any possibility of the attack on the matrix.

"The investigation - said the deputy Alfredo Greek - conduct 360-degree, there are many trails in the field, let us not forget anything. We are trying to understand, we do not exclude anything." But the prosecutor did not want to add anything more than the concerns that would Vassallo told in a recent interview, the last time I have seen.

"I asked for advice - he said - but he did not reveal anything special. Let us work, not now say more seriously. The management of the port of Acciaroli? E 'a track like the others." At the site visit was also attended by men of the DDA. On the spot of the attack, on the hill that leads to the town, was deposited a bundle of flowers.


His latest proposal, which ended in all the newspapers, it's a fortnight ago to reserve a beach attached to the dogs with shuttle service. Over the years, Angelo Vassallo - Mayor Pollica killed last night - has promoted dozens of ordinances and resolutions that have made headlines.

In 2009 he declared war on smokers 'rude' with incredibly high fines against those leaving along the streets, cigarette butts. Vassallo motivated ordinance with the understanding that "a cigarette butt takes from one to five years to break down, bringing serious damage to the environment. "The fine is due? From 500 to 1,000 €, avoidable by acquiring small ashtray emptied.

also committed to the fight against tax evasion, Vassallo-order with another that had caused no little noise - had established the withdrawal of concessions municipal charge of all those were not in compliance with the payment of taxes and duties. An order that has made school, given the large number of requests from other municipalities in the Town Hall in the center of Cilento.
in shock, many closed shops

Exercises public with their shutters down, eerie silence, tags "closed for mourning" on the outside of some bars and restaurants. It 's the face of a country in shock what comes up this morning in the port of thumb: an area usually cheerfully animated by residents and tourists, still very numerous in this first week of September, is characterized by an eerie silence this morning.

"We have decided to close - said the owner of a bakery - AngeloVassallo because it was a serious person, a worker who has brought honor to this seaside resort. It is no coincidence that for years we are awarded the blue flag by Legambiente: is one of the signs of the work done by the mayor. "


Monday, July 5, 2010

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Dreams of Heaven and the truth of 'Inferno

Dreams Paradise and the truth of 'Inferno

Sandro Costanzi

The Festival of Two Worlds in the last weekend of the festival presented two performances in which the prose is merged with the music. Thursday, July 1 was the evening devoted to French actress Fanny Ardant: the spectacle presented by her is called Chants d'est, her speaking voice, the cello

Sonia Wieder-Atheron, harp Aurelie Saraf, the chamber orchestra of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. A journey in literature and music Kafla in Eastern Europe by Mahler, a blend of refined and cultured people together. A tribute to the culture of freedom and itinerant Gypsies, born in India and later became one of the matrix elements of English culture, even in the name of Chopin, Polish-French musician who this year is the bicentenary of the birth. But (the reader forgive me the parenthesis) not only Chopin, Mahler also: for the Festival concludes in his name to the Hall on Saturday 3 Frau Quirino Principe actor has starred in a multimedia show dedicated to the famous Austrian musician, and the final concert entrusted to the rod Matheuz Diego, is planning a suite from West Side Story by Bernstein and the first symphony Mahler. Concluded the
parentheses Mahler, one should also mention the sight of Malkovich, Friday, July 2 at the Roman theater: Confenssions of a serial killer. John as John, or even better, a killer who is also a modern Don Juan. A man without hypocrisy that questions about what is the truth today. This is where the focus is all the original plot is imprisoned for a series of murders of prostitutes strangled with her bra. Make a banner of their faults for a role in social media, and maybe write a book about, for a big commercial success? Or commit suicide and bequeath only blank pages? The show, which had a plot of assumptions made and a final suspension, was also enriched by the dialectical contrast between old and new: the music of Vivaldi, Mozart and other composers of the eighteenth century. In conclusion, you are interested in more information about Jack Unterweger: navigating Wikipedia and you'll have the whole truth ... and just one simple click!

Sandro Costanzi

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Milky Mucus Before Period

Fanny Ardant - Chants d'Est useless as Facchinetti

Fanny Ardant - Chants d'Est useless as Facchinetti

Friday, June 25, 2010

Indian Womens Side Boobs In Sarees

time scirocco

time scirocco

Who is Ernesto Ragazzoni? Click here and now thanks to someone who loves life of those who lived their lives fully also click here ..

... Ernesto Ragazzoni was a weird child's hair soft and gray, who traveled the world without time and without an umbrella.

When we asked the reason for this enmity with his watches, he replied impatiently, "I paid for Dicanio all the same!" ...
Ernesto Ragazzoni was a wonderful writer, poet and journalist. And above all a man of free thought and genius.
Born on Lake Orta, Orta San Giulio, died in 1870 in Turin in 1920.
Like other great men of thought, sinks themselves, the fame of Ernesto Ragazzoni managed to get to us, despite the criticism, almost without criticism. Only thanks to those who loved him esteemed and appreciated by reading it.
This stage production responds to the desire to pay homage to the poet and man, with the hope of helping to disseminate the work of more Ragazzoni, which certainly deserves to be widely known.
In scene five actors, three men - one of which embodies the same Ernesto Ragazzoni - both women and a pianist who accompanies the exhibition texts at times making the music complements the texts themselves.
The "place" is the theatrical production of a hypothetical newspaper, in 1919, where Ragazzoni involved - in his own way - and interact with fellow journalists.

Tickets: € 15 Single seat
at the ruins of the Church of Saints Cyprian and Justina, Via Flaminia

*** Tribute to Ernesto Ernesto Ragazzoni Ragazzoni
adaptation, direction and staging Stefano Alleva

with Andrea Dezi - ER, Ewa Spadlo - Connect journalist "Clotilde," Igor Horvat / Michele Nani - Connect
journalist "Italo" Rodolfo Mantovani - Editor in Chief, Natalia Strozzi - Edmea / Menelik / Felicita

original music by pianist Daniel Daniel Daniel Gelsi Pozzovivo
lighting design Stephan Louth
stage director Marco De Amicis
sound Acousticlight
trick Massimiliano "Max" Bruschi , Paul Coletti
technical director Stephan Louth
Production Assistant Carla Quarto di Palo

production Cultural Association in collaboration with Harvey

project Stefano Alleva, Ewa Spadlo
is thanked for jewelry Elizabeth Lupi

Campello sul Clitunno
Saturday 19 June - 21:00
Sunday, June 20 - 21:00 Monday
June 21 - 21:00
Tuesday, June 22 - 21:00
Wednesday, June 23 - 21:00
Thursday, June 24 - 21:00
Friday, June 25 - 21:00
Saturday, June 26 - 21:00
Sunday, June 27 - 21:00

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Gogo no eiko to Hans Werner Henze-The taste of the glory

Gogo no eiko of Hans Werner Henze-The taste of the glory

In the first ever performance in a staged opera comes to life in Spoleto Gogo no eiko of the great German composer Hans Werner Henze, based on a novel by Yukio Mishima, with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi, directed by Giorgio Ferrara and the set of Gianni Quaranta.

work that explores the difficult conflict between the generations, which tells a story from the dark tones, always fascinating masterfully accompanied by the energy of a vigorous and poignant music.

Gogo no Eiko's work is the result of a particular artistic history. Composed by Hans Werner Henze in 1988 for the Deutsche Oper Berlin on a libretto German (Verretene Das Meer - Sea betrayed) from the novel by Yukio Mishima Gogo no Eiko, is represented for the first time in 1990.
Then, twelve years later, Henze decides to return to its roots, making the work done by the translation of the libretto in German and Japanese composing twenty minutes of new music.
A kind of miracle, given the diversity of expression of the two languages.
The work is well represented in the premiere concert at Suntory Hall in Tokyo in 2003 and was a great success. But still, Albrecht Henze and work for settling other thirty minutes of music. In 2006 it performed in concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale RAI conducted by Gerd Albrecht in Salzburg, Berlin and Turin. A
Spoleto is represented for the first time in a staged opera
in its Japanese version.

A work by the dark aspects in which hovers a feeling of inescapable social and individual destiny, which dominates the action, and crushes his characters in inexorable mechanisms. The universe of the young generation is in contrast with that of adults, and expresses its full destructive potential derived from the lack of prospects, to the extreme solution of the murder. But youth is seen as a category of the spirit and Henze brings us to reflect and interpret leniently the cynicism typical of this human dimension, in his defeat must face the reality, when the difficult transition from adolescence to maturity.

Fusako is a beautiful young widow, who owns a fashion boutique in West Yokohama.
She lives with her son, Noboru, peeping through the crack of a wall of the room in which it is locked up every night, the intimacy of the mother. Crucial meeting with Ryuji, the mate of a ship moored in the harbor. Mother and son are fascinated by the man who soon proposes
for them to become husband and stepfather. However, the physical act of love towards Ryuji Fusako and his decision to leave the sea to lead a normal life beside the woman he fell in love and her son, to which behaves in a loving way, casts upon him a baleful light. The sailor is no longer in the eyes of Noboru and his bandmates seemed the hero. He not only abandoned his dreams of glory and not "belong more to the sea", but it has also become a merciful father to forgive him after discovering that his mother was watching him and hugs in their clubs. Is not that a wretch like all adults: why the boys condemn him to death. While Fusako, happy again, imagines his future endeavors as a wife and mother, convinced that he will learn Noboru over time to love his stepfather, the officer is attracted by the boy and his friends in an isolated place, where their hands will be asleep and killed. A death already foreshadowed at the end of the first act through the brutal killing of a cat.

Opera in two parts

music Hans Werner Henze

booklet Hans-Ulrich Treichel
based on the novel Gogo no eiko - The taste of the glory of Yukio Mishima

Japanese version

conductor Johannes Debus

director Giorgio Ferrara

art director Gianni Quaranta
costumes Maurizio Galante
lighting design AJ Weissbard

Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi

Fusako Son Ji Hye Kang
Ryuji Charles Hugh Kim - Toshiaki Murakami
Music Man / The Number One Kwang Kim Brian Asawa

Number Two Number Four Number Five Young Hoon Kim
Taihwan Park

assistant conductor Gabriele Bonolis
assistant director Gianni Santucci
assistant art director assistant designer Luciano Olimpia Onorato
assistant costume designer Barbara Pala
assistant lighting designer Solomon Weisbard
Gabriele Bonolis music production assistant, assistant teacher Noriko Morimoto

Maurizio Agostini Publisher
Editions Schott, Mainz-representative for Italy, Universal Music Publishing Ricordi srl Milan

new production Spoleto53 Festival 2Mondi

Tickets: First

Theatre / Theatre Stages € 120 (108 until 31 / 5)
I / II / III Order € 85 (75 until 31 / 5)
Loggione € 55 (49 until 31 / 5)
Stalls / Stages Stalls € 90 (72 until 31 / 5)
I / II / III Orders € 65 (51 until 31 / 5)
Loggione € 40 (32 until 31 / 5)

Hans Werner Henze, 83enne, is considered the last great champion of German music tradition from Bach.Talento precocious, Henze is the protagonist, immediately and successfully, the German and international music scene. He began composing at 12 years, he studied music at Staatsmusikschule of Brunswick and, after the war, the Institute of Sacred Music of Heidelberg with Wolfgang Fortner.
also participates in summer courses at Darmstadt with René Leibowitz. His first composition,
Chamber Concerto for piano, flute and strings in 1946, was immediately successful. After writing works for very different genres and styles, among which are the work of Boulevard Solitude, and having worked with the Deutsches Theater
Constance and the Ballet du Staatstheater Wiesbaden, for which he composed music for ballets (Jack Pudding, 1951 and Labyrinth, 1951), he moved permanently in Italy. Of these early works are the two Italian König Hirsch (1956) and Der Prinz von Homburg by Kleist, the three acts of the ballet and opera Undine Elegy for Young Lovers on a libretto by Auden,
Kammermusik cantatas and songs of great fairy tale. In 1966, always with a libretto by Auden, Henze composed the opera Die Bassariden conceived as a symphony in four movements. This period is also the comic opera with a libretto by Ingeborg Bachmann, Der Junge Lord, followed by another masterpiece, the Second Piano Concerto (1967).
The revolutionary ferment of the late '60s, a visit to Cuba, where he directed the premiere of his Sixth Symphony as part of reasons of revolutionary songs, leave an imprint in the political and social work of those years. As in musical theater: El Cimarrón (1970) and We Come to the River (1976), which dramatizes
class conflict. They are also the years when he founded the Art Yard di Montepulciano, which will consider "one of my few political successes," he writes to Tom Thumb, an opera for children. At the same time develops the search for a richness of expression even in the orchestral language with Heliogabalus imperator (1972), Tristan (1974), Air de La Folia española (1977), often reinterpreting ancient musical patterns in a personal synthesis of past and present, lyricism and rigor .
of the 80s and remember the early 90s: the work Inglese The Cat (1983), with a libretto by playwright Edward Bond, and the four symphonies, from seventh to tenth, inspired by the German symphonic tradition of the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, that will have international resonance.
Its dense catalog - including piano pieces, chamber music, cantatas, an oratorio, concerts - has given a mark on the world of European music. A consolidated sign by the activity of teacher: Henze was for many years at the Royal Academy of Music in London, the Salzburg Mozarteum, at the Musikhochschule in Cologne and at the Tanglewood Festival. On several occasions he has worked with young musicians and established, in addition to the Yard Art Montepulciano the Detschlandsberg Jugendmusikfest (Styria) and the Munich Biennale for New Music Theatre. In 2000 he was awarded the Premium Imperiale in Tokyo. His most recent work, Upupa oder Der Triumph der Sohnesliebe
was presented to the Salzburg Festival in 2003, adding to his international success.

The Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi, founded in 1993 by Vladimir Delman, has imposed a number of years as one of the most important national symphony reality, able to deal with a repertoire ranging from Bach to the tenets of nineteenth-century symphonic music to twentieth century music. The program provides
Orchestra each year more than thirty symphonic programs, with a layout in which the classics are often accompanied by less common, as well as some adjacent seasons, as the series "Growing up in Music," a major exhibition for children and teens. From 1999 to 2005
Riccardo Chailly, now Conductor Laureate, has served as Music Director.
Wayne Marshall Helmuth Rilling and play the role of Principal Guest Conductor of the 2008/2009 season, Maestro Rudolf Barshai, close to the Orchestra for many years, the 2006/2007 season is Director Emeritus, a position he held until his death Carlo Maria Giulini. The horn player Radovan Vlatkovic and pianist Simone Pedroni, however, are present, from the 2007/2008 season, as a resident artist.
For the 2009/2010 season is Music Director of the Chinese Xian Zhang, Ruben Jais and held the position of Chief Resident.
On October 6, 1999 was opened with the Symphony No. 2 Mahler's Resurrection conducted by Riccardo Chailly, the new home of the Orchestra, the Auditorium of Milan. Another distinctive feature is the establishment of the Orchestra in October 1998, Milan Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Chorus, led by the Master until his death Romano Gandolfi, a prestigious figure in the choral
who has worked with the greatest conductors and in major opera houses around the world. The choir currently has 100 items that can address the operatic and symphonic repertoire from the Baroque to the twentieth century.
Some recurring appointments mark the path of music Verdi: Running the entire cycle of Mahler symphonies, the annual appointment with one of the great passions of Bach around the holidays Easter and New Year's concert with Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. The orchestra was directed by Riccardo Chailly, among others, Georges Prêtre, Riccardo Muti, Valery Gergiev, Rudolf Barshai, Claus Peter Flor, Christopher Hogwood, Helmuth Rilling, Peter Maag, Marko Letonja, Daniele Gatti, Roberto Abbado, Ivor Bolton, Kazushi Ono, Vladimir Jurowski, Yakov Kreizberg, Ulf Schirmer and Eiji Oue. In the 2005/2006 season debuted with Herbert Blomstedt and Krzysztof Penderecki, while in 2006/2007 Leonard Slatkin, Vladimir Fedoseyev and Wayne Marshall.
The Orchestra has collaborated with soloists such as Martha Argerich, Mstislav Rostropovich, Vadim Repin, Lynn Harrell, Viktoria Mullova, Han-Na Chang, Sarah Chang, Midori, Alexander Kobrin, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Nelson Freire, Salvatore Accardo, Mario Brunello, Alexander Toradze, Hilary Hahn and Radovan Vlatkovic.

About Wikipedia

The early years [edit]

Born into a large family, Henze soon showed signs of his interest in the art and music, which produced immediate conflict with his father, a decidedly conservative tendencies.
He began his studies at the music school of Braunschweig in 1942, but had to discontinue it in 1944 when he was recalled by the army to participate in the Second World War was soon captured and taken prisoner in a field of war.
In 1945, with the war, he became accompanist at the Theatre of Bielefeld, and began studying composition under the guidance of Wolfgang Fortner in Heidelberg in 1946.
In 1948 he became musical assistant to the Deutscher Theater in Konstanz, where he represented his first opera "Das Wundertheater" (Cervantes).
In 1950 he became conductor the Theatre of Wiesbaden, where he composed two operas for radio, the first concert for piano and orchestra and his first opera of great importance, "Boulevard Solitude" (a kind of transposition of the modern story of Manon Lescaut).
In the early fifties he took part in the well-known Ferienkurse Darmstadt, a famous center for study and production of avant-garde music.
Transfer in Italy [change]

Henze left Germany in 1953, in response to homophobia, intolerance and the general political situation in his country, and moved to Italy, in Marino, where he spent most of the his life. Initially this position caused many unpleasant reactions against him, including the heavy disputes referred to the first of his opera "König Hirsch" (based on a text by Carlo Gozzi) and the ballet "Marathon" (libretto by Luchino Visconti).
In the mid-fifties he began his long and fruitful collaboration with the Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachmann, who worked together to Henze as librettist for the operas "Der Prinz von Homburg" (1958, based on a text by Heinrich von Kleist) and "Der junge Lord" (1964).

From 1962 to 1967 and masteclass Henze has taught composition at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, and in 1967 he was appointed a visiting professor at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire (USA). In 1966 he obtained a large success with the opera "Die Bassariden" at the Salzburg Festival.

In the aftermath, Hans Werner Henze reinforced further its political commitment, which has had major influences in his works, such as this, the premiere of his oratorio "Das Floss der Medusa" was canceled when the German authorities in Hamburg refused to be exhibiting the work (according to the book) a portrait of Che Guevara and a revolutionary flag. Henze's politics are also well represented in works such as his Sixth Symphony (1969), the Second Concerto for violin and orchestra (1971) and composition for narrator and chamber ensemble "El Cimarron", based on a text (author Cuban Miguel Barnet) which deals with the escape of slaves during the colonial rule of Cuba
The artistic maturity [edit] Henze

In 1976 he founded the Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte in Montepulciano, an organization engaged in the production and dissemination of new music it is just that Montepulciano was performed for the first time his famous children's opera "Tom Thumb" (1980). In 1981 he founded the
Mürztal Workshops in the Austrian region of Styria, where he also founded and organized the Festival of Youth Music Deutschlandsberg. In addition, in 1988 he founded the Biennale of Monaco, an international festival of new music theater, which was also the artistic director.

Over the years, his works have taken the more conventional connotations ("Die Englische Katze" 1983 and "Das Meer verratene of 1990, based on the novel" Gogo no Eiko "by Japanese author Yukio Mishima.
In any case, the music of Henze continued even in recent times to demonstrate the commitment of their political and civil author: his Ninth Symphony (for choir and orchestra, in 1997) contains texts (Anna Seghers) where the moments are remembered the darkest past of Germany. His latest play, however, dates back to 2003, when it was performed at the Salzburg Festival, the opera "The hoopoe," based on a folk tale of Syria.

In 1990, Hans Werner Henze was awarded the Ernst von Siemens, while in 1995 he received the Westfälischer Musikpreis (music prize of Westphalia) in 2004 was appointed Honorary doctorate for his "musical science" from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Monaco of Bavaria.
style [edit]

compositional style of Hans Werner Henze embraces the neo-classical, jazz, twelve-tone technique, structuralism and some aspects of popular music and rock.
pupil of the German composer Wolfgang Fortner, in his first compositions used twelve-tone technique (for example, the First Symphony and the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, 1947). But later rebelled against the obligations of structuralism dell'atonalità and even to the point that in his work "Boulevard Solitude" are recognizable elements from jazz and French songs from the era.
Henze is also a very fine orchestrator, whose technique has always kept up to date over the years. Despite the many and varied stylistic influences received, his music has continued as the lyricism always very tense, which has often mention the names of Alban Berg and Karl Amadeus Hartmann as its possible moral predecessors.
Honours [edit]
Knight of the Order of Maximilian for Science and the Arts - for even ordinary ribbon

Knight of the Order of Maximilian for Science e le Arti
- 1998
Opere scelte [modified]
Opere teatrali [modified]

* The Miracle Theater (1948) *
Boulevard Solitude (1951) * King
Hirsch (1952-1955) testo DI Heinz von Cramer
* The Prince of Homburg (1958, nuova versione 1991)
* Elegy for Young Lovers (1959-1961) *
The Young Lord (1964) * The
Bassariden (1965)
* We come to the river (1974-1976)
* Pollicino (1980, opera per bambini)
* The English Cat (1980-1983)
* Robert the Devil (1985, opera per bambini)
* The Betrayed Sea (1990)
* Venus and Adonis (1997) * The Hoopoe
(2003) *
Phaedra (2006-2007)

Ballets [edit]

* Ballett-Variationen (1949) *
Labyrinth (1951) *
Marathon (1956) * Ondine
( 1956-1957) *
Orpheus (1978) *
Le fils de l'air (1997)

Symphonies [edit] * Symphony No.

1 (1947, revised in 1963 and 1991) * Symphony No.
2 (1949) * Symphony No.
3 (1949-1950) Symphony No.
* 4 (1955) *
Vokalsinfonie (1955, from the opera "König Hirsch") * Symphony No.
5 (1962) * Symphony No.
6 for two chamber orchestras (1969, revised in 1994) * Symphony No.
7 (1983-1984) Symphony No.
* 8 from Dreams of a Midsummer Night by William Shakespeare (1992-1993) Symphony No.
* 9 for chorus and orchestra, from a story by Anna Seghers (1995-1997) Symphony No.
* 10 (1997-2000)

Other symphonic works [edit]

* Chamber Concerto for piano, flute and string orchestra (1946)
* Concertino for piano, wind instruments and percussion (1947) * Concerto No.
1 for violin and orchestra (1947) * Concerto No.
1 for piano and orchestra (1950) * Ode an den Westwind
for cello and orchestra (1953)
* Concerto for double bass and orchestra (1966)
* Doppelkonzert for oboe, harp and string orchestra (1966) * Concerto No.
2 for piano and orchestra (1967) * Das Floss der Medusa
, oratory to the memory of Che Guevara "for soloists, narrator, chorus and orchestra (1968) *
Compases Preguntas para ensimismadas for viola and 22 instruments (1969-1970) * Tristan
for piano, orchestra and tape (1972-1973) *
Amicitia (Nachtkonzert ") for piano, strings and percussion (1977
* Liebeslieder for cello and orchestra (1984-1985)
* Requiem," Geistliche Konzerte "for piano, trumpet and orchestra (1990-1992) *
Introduktion, Thema und Variationen for cello, harp and strings (1992) * Concerto No.
3 for violin and orchestra "Drei aus Porträts Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus" (1996) *
Fantasia for String Orchestra

film music [edit]

as a composer:

"Der Prinz von Homburg" (1994) by Ingeborg Bachmann / Hans Werner Henze tract by Heinrich Von Kleist (TV) (it. The Prince of Homburg)

"Comrades" (1986) by Bill Douglas-UK (it. Companions) also conductor

"Ninguem Duas Vezes "(1985) by Jorge Silva Melo - Portugal (it. never twice)

" L'amour à mort "(1984) by Alain Resnais, France

" Un amour de Swann "(1983) DI Volker Schlöndorff - Germania (it. un amore Tues swann)

"Concierto barroco" (1982) (TV)

"Orpheus" (1979) TV balletto versione

"Good for Nothing" (1978) di Bernhard Sinkel - Germania ( Good close-for-Nothing)

"Abelard" (1977) di Franz Seitz Germania (it. Abelardo)

"The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum or How Violence Develops and Where It Can." (1975) di Volker Schlöndorff - Germania (it. Il caso Cathy Blum)

"Young Lord" (1968) TV version - regia Ernst Wild (scritta da Ingeborg Bachmann, Musica di HW Henze Il piccolo Lord trad. it.)

"The Timpani Player "(1967) episodic film of Helmut Meewes, Herbert Rimbach, Volker Schlöndorff, Franz Seitz, Rolf Thiele, Bernhard Wicki-Germany (it. Percussionist)

"Der junge Törleß" (1966) Volker Schlöndorff - Germany (it. The disruption of the Young Torless)

"Muriel ou Le temps d'a retour" (1963) by Alain Resnais - France (it. Muriel, time of return) also conductor

"Ondine - The Royal Ballet" (1958 ) ballet by Frederick Ashton and HW Henze TV version

as arranger:

"The Return of Ulysses to his homeland" (1985) (TV) soundtrack


"The Exorcist" (1973), William Friedkin - USA (It. the exorcist)

song "Fantasia for Strings"


"Partitur einer Freundschaft - Ingeborg Bachmann / Hans Werner Henze" (2006) (TV), whether in the role of 'the same (it. Score a friendship)

"The Adventures of Benjamin Schmid" (2005) (TV), whether in the role of 'the same. directed by Tony Palmer (it. the adventures of Benjamin Schmid)

"Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar" (1974), whether in the role of 'the same, Gerda Halle (it. Truth' and 'understandable to the people)
Bibliography [edit]

* Various Authors, Henze, edited by Enzo Restagno, EDT (Turin, 1986). ISBN 88-7063-045-5
* (EN) Hans Werner Henze, Bohemian Fifths: An Autobiography, Faber & Faber (London, 1998). ISBN 0691006830

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Manhattan Gay Hookup Spots

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Ultra Model Topless Set

Viva the Italian tailoring alive the Golden Scissors

Viva the Italian tailoring alive the Golden Scissors

kicks off next Friday, April 16, with an exhibition of clothes, three days entirely dedicated to Italian tailoring. The theme chosen for the first appointment is Italy, cutting and sewing. Since the morning, you can touch the prestigious creations by the best craftsmen of our house. The review

anticipate the traditional annual parade that promotes the Academy in the beautiful setting of the Hotel Parco dei Principi. Saturday, April 17, starting at 18.00, will be presented on the catwalk creations of young tailors and the prizes "Life of Sarto" and "Academy Trophy." In the thick afternoon program will not fail the usual space dedicated to the national "Golden Scissors" Nazareno Fonticoli. The Collection "Art Tailoring" uses the texture features of the Goddess and Ermenegildo Zegna Group Carnet Ratti. And everything is based on a classic that combines manual and planning in a creative synthesis that always aims for excellence. Also at the Hotel Parco dei Principi, Sunday, April 18, the tailors will hold their national meeting, during which the leaders will renew the Academy. The event will be presented by Jonis Bascir and direction will be handled by the DM Fashion Studio. The event is organized with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.


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or Sicily. Pietro Floridia

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