Monday, October 6, 2008

Side Effects If Bilirubin Of A Baby Goes Up To 19

Work in progress ..... Trivia

There are those who work to create parking lots, there are those who work to restructure local people who work there ... lavorano.Non all know why I called the post "work in progress" but there sarĂ .Non fund idea is that I can not write here ... but yeah, work to rearrange the idee.Sto evaluating I can offe life and in the meantime I can not find ideas or energy or simply time to devote to my hobby: scrivere.Magari resume tomorrow, or perhaps in a mese.Renato Zero would say: "Do not forget me", I find myself in common with Zero ... but his sentence can go well. soon ............ ........... Cristian Fabbri


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