Friday, January 18, 2008

Feel Ovulation Pain In Leg

stolen River "brings to the stage with a monologue of Monte Viso Cuneo environmental and human tragedy of the Valley and acne Bormida Cengio

Wednesday, January 23, at 21, the "Viso", via XX Settembre 14, it represents "The river stolen," a show to tell the incredible and turbulent history of Val Bormida and acne Cengio. An evening to reflect on an environmental tragedy.
Free admission. The show is from "One Hundred Years of poison" of Alessandro Hellmann, Pierdicca with Andrea (pictured), directed by Nicholas panels, lights Federico Canibus, music by Yo Yo Mundi and Alessandro Hellmann. Cuneo, Alba advance for this opportunity, you take the role of moral capital of the Langhe and also of 'high Bormida Piedmont valley. And 'the city of Nuto Revelli, who twice took part in the important events of the valley Bormida the side of the valley people of Piedmont.

For the show, which takes place in the form of a monologue, it will be inevitable comparisons with the monologue dedicated to the tragedy by Marco Paolini Vajont: two stories have in common the lack of respect for the rights and power of people's lives in behalf of other interests, in being both valleys affected by what happened before and, in particular by 'water, which is difficult to know which has produced more deaths, which differ in the' occurrence of the tragedy in a few minutes to Vajont and the trickle of decades' s and ACNA Bormida the valley.

The writing of the book required to author 'more than a year of work with frequent inspections in the field, where he had talks with most of the characters living, both of Piedmont, is part of Liguria.

parallel, the 'actor and the director of the show came on the field and had meetings with some of the protagonists of the story. Therefore, there are firm guarantees for the credibility history and chronicle of the book and show.

Ilvo Barbiero

PMnet - periodic media indipendente.Registrazione Court of Mondovi, No authorization 1 / 2001 of 05/06/2001.Società Publishing Ltd PMNet Editor Paul Somà.Copyright PMNet Srl 2001 all rights riservati.Per contact PMNet Srl send an email to
Cuneo: a story about show- Val BormidaCultura - Friday, January 18, 2008
It will be held next Wednesday, January 23, at 21, a wedge at the Cinema Monviso renewed, the account-stolen the show The river created in collaboration with the Association Narramondo Cortemilia to tell the incredible story of the troubled Val Bormida . The initiative is sponsored by the city of Cuneo, in the context of the promotion activities of the Gesso and Stura River Park, and the Association Pro Cuneo.Il text nature of the monologue, taken from One Hundred Years of Poison Alessandro Hellmann, traces the events of the ACNA factory Cengio that wealth of the territory and its people becomes an enemy of the territory and its inhabitants. So the factory started to produce dynamite as it becomes and modified to become colorificio, adapting to the transient interests of the masters of the moment that they use for the immediate profit, without any desire or ability to detect and address problems that arise and interests that conflict. Blindness and deafness, however, that has nourished and strengthened in spite of the resistance of the population increasingly tired of breathing, eating and drinking scene veleno.In the voice of Andrea Pierdicca tell this story and discover murderous and century-long accompanied by the music of Yo Yo Mundi, and the same author Alessandro Hellmann. Narramondo The association, founded in July 2001 in Genoa, has followed different paths of research with the aim to stage the wounds of our time investigating the tragic sense of the contemporary world, through stories of pain and lotta.Il story will take place at Cinema Mount Viso, in Via XX Settembre 14, at 21. Admission is free.

Cuneo: Theatre in the history of acne and downstream Bormida
The centennial history Bormida the valley of pollution caused by chemical plant Acna Cengio returns periodically in the local news in the discussion of the modalities and timing of remediation, but has also been an inspiration for books and plays. The most important 'ecological warfare' Italian, whose antecedents date back to the '20s with the first farmers' protests against the chemicals that made the land uncultivable and inedible fruit, took place in a particularly intense in the last three decades of the twentieth century, occupying the frequent headlines. The troubled history of this corner of the territory of Cuneo, near the border with Liguria, is the subject of 'The Stolen River', the show inspired by the novel 'One Hundred Years of Poison' Genovese Alessandro Hellmann of the writer to be proposed at Wednesday, January 23 21 to Cuneo at the renewed Cinema Monviso. The representation play, which recounts the story of Cengio chemical plant, which began as dynamite at the end of '800, and closed in 1999, and the struggles waged by the people has been developed in collaboration with the association Narramondo Cortemilia. "Narramondo is an association of professional actors, was born in Genoa in July 2001 decided to stage the wounds of our time investigating the tragic sense of the contemporary world, through stories of pain and struggle - says the artistic director Nicola panels -. That is why the encounter with the history of the river stolen Bormida of people that are there, we lived and who live there. E ' a history of murder and one can not be moved by the tenacity, from the estate, the continuity, the beauty of the resistance of the valley. This is their story. " On stage, the voice of Andrea Pierdicca tell this story and discover murderous and century-long accompanied by the music of Yo Yo Mundi and the same author Alessandro Hellmann. The initiative is sponsored by the city of Cuneo, in the context of the promotion activities of the Gesso and Stura River Park, and the Association Pro Cuneo nature.


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