Thursday, September 21, 2006

Brazilian Waxing Templates

letter from 'author: updates to the book, theater and music for autumn 2006

First I can tell you with undisguised satisfaction that the book "One Hundred Years diveleno" is in the pink of the ten finalists for Carver Award, given dallacritica literary The Independent Publishing Award Witch "(obviously viinvito to be wary of literary criticism ...). Other information taken advantage on the publisher's site: , which is also possible to download the book for free (or buy if you deifeticisti). With Teutonic precision Rai informs me that the ore23 Saturday, September 30: 33 (please, stopwatch in hand!) will air the song "Bormida" in During the episode "The Best of the Year" transmission "Demo" diRadiouno, edited by Michael Pergolani and Renato Marengo. The song resisteinoltre the head of the TOP10 of the transmission, which was produced by music critics eaddetti the work that certainly in the past I have done some favoreche at this time ricordo.Mercoledì October 4 "The river stolen" will be staged at the Teatro Matteotti diMoncalieri (TO) at 21 under review "Theatropolis: FestivalInternazionale of the Arts Scene. "On stage the actor Andrea Pierdicca, Nicola regiadi panels, production Narramondo, text by Alessandro Hellmann (chesarei me), music by Yo Yo Mundi and Alessandro Hellmann (who is always me). More information on www . . The Theatre can not alleged that they did in Via Matteotti Matteotti, one civic. Do not come then to say that you missed because you would not be absolutely aMoncalieri credibili.Il 20:21 October, the group formed by Case Taken to prisoners and ex- detainees (Rock from Rebibbia Institute!) present in the final of Biella Festival (Teatro Villani, at 21) to the song "The Time of prison," for which the offender Testos confesso.Ultimo but not least, if Sunday while returning home from Biella October 22 daGubbio past (which of course will be great for the road), at 21 at salatrecentesca (the room where he was awarded an honorary citizenship to MarioLuzi known left-back of Ternana) my friend Gianfilippo Pascolinipresenta her pretty hard debut "Farenight", accompanied by Morgana and daPaolo Brancaleoni.C 'is none other than brewing, but I would say that for the time you're in it, otherwise the next time I do not know what to tell you! A abbraccioAlessandro


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