Thursday, September 28, 2006

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review the last review output One hundred years of poison

Review monthly magazine out on the eye ... No VIII Year II - September 2006

hundred years of poison
The case ACNA: the last civil war Italian
Simone Colaiacomo

ACNA The case has been to Italy a regrettable fact that has affected the lives of thousands of people exploited and cheated by institutions and powerful over the years have been able to turn over even the concept of morality. "One hundred years of poison" (Stampa Alternativa, Viterbo 2005) is the testimony of a century of pollution and legally protected murders in the name of the national economy, a documentary that can make anyone feel small and helpless, at the thought of dirt that has characterized the actions of those who have managed events over time. But it is particularly telling this story to hear voices, from childhood memories and situations in the grotesque and the dramatic, evoking the conflicts between peasants and workers, instead of hiding the plots hatched by those puppeteers who held the strings of the masses for their own interests. Alessandro Hellmann traces alternating with grace and with vehemence, the history of the valley where the ACNA Bormida Cengio of a poisoned land once fertile and, with it, all forms of life from which he received sustenance. A book to read, as well as the historical and economic importance of the twentieth century Italian, not to turn our backs on those who were not protected by the relevant institutions that were supposed to help, many of whom died without understanding why. The last Italian civil war brought forward generation after generation, told in a book symbol of the right to live, to keep these people alive, at least in memory.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Where Is Jerachi Seen On Pokemn Deluge

debut on the show

Narramondo Press is pleased to recommend the debut of the show The Stolen River taken from One Hundred Years of Poison with Andrea Alessandro Hellmann Pierdicca directed by Nicholas at Wednesday, October 4 Panels Teatro Matteotti Moncalieri at 21, presented at the ninth edition of Theatropolis IX.
For the first time tells the whole story of the ACNA factory since it opened, such as dynamite to the 800's until its closure in 1999 and the struggles of the inhabitants of the valley of the river to protect the environment and Bormida.

The show, sponsored by Cortemilia (CN), was born of the meeting of Alexander and Andrea Hellmann Pierdicca Narramondo whose association with the artistic director Nicholas Panels (also director of the show) so describes in the appendix to the book, the arts and human motives which made the project "narramondo is an association of professional actors, was born in Genoa in July 2001 decided to stage the wounds of time investigating this the tragic sense of the contemporary world through stories of pain and struggle. That is why the encounter with the history of the river stolen Bormida of people that are there, we lived and who live there. It 's a killer story, and one can not but be moved by the tenacity, from the estate, the continuity, the beauty of the "resistance" of the valley. This is their story. "
The book (about written by a meticulous documentation is published by Alternative Press has obtained a special mention to the sixth edition of the award Acqui ACQUIAMBIENTE and is among the finalists of the Award Carver.

Organization and promotion narramondo Lisa Raffaghello
tel and fax 0143/468014 cell 333 6132594 - e.mail
info: / scheda_acna.html
posters and photos (Andrea Repetto), high-resolution www. / ACNA / moncton /
River stolen

Alessandro Hellmann
with Andrea Pierdicca
Directed by Nicholas Panels
Narramondo Theatrical Productions

"Have you ever seen Bormida? He
water color of dried blood, it carries away waste from the factories along its banks Cengio and not a blade of grass grows. More nasty and poisoned water, which makes you cold in the bone, especially to see it at night under the moon. "
Beppe Fenoglio A day of fire, Einaudi

the show. The incredible and turbulent history of Val Bormida Cengio and acne: the birth of the factory, the struggles of the inhabitants of the Valley against pollution, the relationship with the Ligurian side, her inevitable union with the history of chemistry National, its closure. Between childhood memories and situations in the balance between the dramatic and the grotesque, it rattles off an epic story of battles and poignant, mobilization, conflicts between the peasantry and the industrial world, interest and political expediency, in areas split up into an illogical, of collusion between branches more or less hidden. To rediscover the ability to understand and indignant.

The author says: "That acne and Val Bormida pollution is a story of savage nature of humanity and trampled, but also a wonderful testimony of civil mobilization (and later institutional) for the Rebirth of a whole second the idea of \u200b\u200balternative development to be built on the exploitation of culture, resources and local traditions. The work offers a comprehensive and objective view on a recent story in the history of our country (and socio-economic evolution of Piedmont and Liguria in particular) and at the same time is proposed as a commemoration of the characters - and especially the people - who have been involved over more than a century. "

The text, which are affecting various newspapers, has already collected major awards, as tracks extracted from it have won the" Prize III Millennium "established by Fara Editore and received a special mention at the prize" Les Nouvelles "bandit Perspective Publishing. The wording has been achieved through a meticulous documentation (books, articles, journals, unpublished reports, crime alerts, documents, audio-visual archive footage ...), analysis and insights on the field lasted more than a year. A valuable support was provided by the Viva Valbormida and Documentation Centre Patrick Fadden, Association for the Rebirth of Bormida Valley, Montana Langa delle Valli Community, by the Workers Acna and all persons who through their testimony have allowed a precise reconstruction of the events and the passions that animated them.
The monologue is an excerpt from the book "One Hundred Years of poison - The case Acna: the last civil war Italian" (Alternative Press, 2005), the publisher Marcello Baraghini called "an extraordinary story-truth."

History. The Acna was founded in 1882 as dynamite to Cengio in the province of Savona, a few meters from the border with Piedmont. On the localization industry - strategic policy - affect the availability of water (the river Bormida) and low-cost labor, access from the port of Savona through a communication route guarded by fortifications and the hard practicalities of the Piedmont side. In short, the Acna became the main industry in the area, coming to occupy up to 6,000 people and creating a deep rift between rural and new business. Water pollution in the valley extends well beyond Alexandria, more than 100 km away from the factory. In 1929 the company converted to the production of dyes, while the inhabitants of Valley start to raise tremendous outrage, denouncing the impossibility of using water from wells. The wine is undrinkable and vegetables knows of phenol, so the fields and vineyards and returned Gerbido farmers are forced to leave the countryside. The 50s saw in the provinces of Cuneo and Alessandria a massive popular mobilization against the factory, which will not have any effect, however, mainly because of conflict of competence and responsibility at the institutional level. In 1970 a ministerial committee declares that the river is now Bormida "biologically dead". In 1987, the valley is declared an "area of \u200b\u200bhigh environmental risk", while research shows in the cases of cancer, especially bladder, affects the population with a much greater proportion than the national average. The workers are forced to choose between right to work and right to health. In those years, there are committees in the Piedmont region of protest, including the Association for the Rebirth of the Valley Bormida, organizing events and propose alternative development projects: thanks to this massive and at times epic popular mobilization, supported by local institutions and from several environmental organizations, is set aside the idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing up a waste incinerator within the plant and in 1999 the Acna is finally closed. He is currently in During the remediation of soils underlying the site, which was highlighted in the presence of highly carcinogenic substances such as dioxins and phenols.

Andrea Pierdicca. Born on 05/12/75 in Osimo (AN), in 2000 he attended a preparatory course in acting school Galante Garrone of Bologna and in 2003 graduated from the acting school of the Teatro Stabile of Genoa where he worked with Massimo Mesciulam, Anna Laura and Marco Messeri Sciaccaluga. Since 2003 he has been with the company URT Juri Ferrini, with Bologna's Teatro delle Moline. Lunezia festival in 2004 for collaborating with Amy Grant, Antonello Venditti, Carmen Consoli, Caparezza, in the same year he collaborated with the orchestra conducted by the Kiev Trasimeni. In 2005, directed by Gabriele Vacis "Romeo and Juliet" produced by the Teatro Stabile di Torino. Since 2004 he Narramondo.

Nicola panels. Born in Como, May 26, 1966. Graduated from the acting school of the Teatro Stabile of Genoa in 1991. In theater she has worked mainly with Valerio and Cristina Pezzoli Binasco worked for the Teatro Stabile of Genoa with Benno Besson, Massimo Mesciulam, Sciaccaluga Marco, Guido De Ponticelli, Vittorio Gassman, Center for Theatre Massimo Castri Bresciano with the Teatro Stabile of Veneto and Joseph J. Lassalle Emiliani. He has also worked for the cinema (1999 Fandango The partisan Jonnhy director Guido Chiesa, 2004 Fox and Gould "Keawe" directed by Valerio Binasco) and television (2000 Love and War in the Apennines and directed by JK Harrison has participated in numerous dramas).

Alessandro Hellmann. Born in Genoa in 1971. Writer, poet and songwriter, has won numerous awards (including the Prize Fabrizio De Andrè, given by Dori Ghezzi, Kult Underground Prize, the Prize "FITe.L." Prize "Review Changes" and the award of critical in a variety of shows dedicated to songwriting and indie music). He published the poetry collection "The Persistence of Things" (Perspective Publishing, 2004), award-winning and well received by critics, "History of none" (Perspective Publishing, 2005) and the novel-investigation "One hundred years of poison - The case Acna: the last civil war Italian" (Alternative Press, 2005). His stories and his poems are about the most important Italian literary magazines. Also appears as an author or songwriter in several albums and compilations. For more information
From Appendix to "One Hundred Years of Poison" by Alessandro Hellmann
And Alternative Press, 2005
Nicola Panels - Artistic Director narramondo

Narramondo is an association of people who have decided to bring in theater wounds of our time. E 'was born in Genoa in July 2001. Since then he has followed paths of research in various directions with the aim of bringing to the public - in the theater and elsewhere-the "inadmissible" for oppressed people under occupation, people "hanging" and their beauty. Recount in under tragic - so distant from our melodrama - the resistance in Iraq, Palestine, Chechnya, in short, the peoples in conflict, the guerrilla resistance - our origins forgotten - the Nazi-Fascism. Dwell in the contemporary tragedy and we do it because half of the tourists and the other half witnessed the horror of pain and struggle. The fight should be repeated! We love those who resist and fight. Despite the stolen life, the pain and sores, the defendants unsheathe cheerful insolence that challenge the systems, the men responsible for the misery.

why the encounter with the history of the river stolen Bormida of people that are there, we lived and who live there. That's where the line comes with Hellmann and Pierdicca. That's why we went on site to see, hear, smell, and we wanted to be: let's do it together. When Andrew has offered to cooperate in the project, the idea involved us first for friendship towards him, a kind of debt - he does not know - to be paid at face value. In short, we agreed to work with him almost without knowing what. Because it is true that the stories are important, but it must be said that the paths are equally important, choices, which in time are the actors. Important determinants. The theater "civilian" - quest'aggettivo really beginning to stink - you would like to see a trend among the various strands, a choice between the shelves of many possible teatrosupermercato. And that's it, in reality. It is considered by its proponents so, by whom it manufactures and processes, from those who put it into circulation, and by whom the system by those who consume it. So that, at the end of the fair, the content, that is "history", are the end of sweet coffee. In such a context, if the "civil theater" began traveling as a product, if it sells, that's a host of new bidders, who yesterday shot a commercial for the phone and speak to you today polluted seas. This time, his hands, he speaks for all. The choices are important.

Go ahead. Andrea makes us read the first draft of the text of Hellmann, and the stone is launched. Let's go. We meet, we talk, we listen. We're going to see in place. Take samples of humanity, now and forever poisoned, polluted. Then a new draft. Let the pictures but the faces and places, you always have to listen to them, the sneers of the memories is always attached to the angry faces. A new draft. Hellmann does not write only. Sounds and paints and sculpts and fun. But not sgarra on numbers and data and feedback and checks and names and details of various kinds. Why? For serious? Yeah, right. But most of all because the battle against the manufacture of appestanti and its manufacturers, also took place on the details more imi. On atoms with caveats. As if to say that while the people - ie the workers and the public - on the one hand spitting, pissing and cagava rainbow of colors and the other choked to death in all black to bursting, the advocacy of industry decreased the numbers, and having made his calculations ABC tables, printouts Q and R, is delayed, and diluted. We would laugh a lot, except that there is little to laugh.

E 'is part of a murderous history a genre that has almost become a school of industry leaders with a smile and glib idiocy, CEOs blockbusters phenol, trade unionists suffered, and aligned, and the cynical connivance stock market speculation on the skin of other men women, elderly, children, countries. We do not to generalize but fans of the genre understand the fly. There is talk of death as a product and trademark, as the ideology of power. You know and feel it - you've got it forever and still facing the example! - Sick of trivia that some idiots, they bring death. Having said that to make us understand that it can not be summarily celebrate, albeit quietly closing ACN - considering that the ENI has just exported - and ultimately be moved by the tenacity, from the estate, the continuity, the beauty of the "resistance" of the valley of the province of Cuneo. This is their story.


reviews of the book "A small masterpiece of narrative technique .... that there is to be hoped that in future there is some other author, and some other publishing house, who is a constant in historical research The political will and the capacity (this is the last but not least) to write something like this on many, too many black mark in history that cross our horizon now. "
(Mark Giorgini, Kult Virtual Press )

"A book that is read in one breath, written in a straightforward style, with time pressing, peppered with sarcasm and bitter irony "(Barlocco Lucia, La Stampa)

" Recounting a century of pollution and of collusion between the political and industrial history of the case Acna tells a story forgotten in oblivion Information disposable. "(Simon Balestri, Mescalina / )

"They should really read it from beginning students to find unsuspected connections between two chemical giants Italians who at first view you'd never have had anything to do with each other. ... A story, this, exemplary really at that time the term "civil war" is not hyperbolic. "
(Giulio Sardi, The Acna and IG Farben )

" extraordinary example of social narrative, so far away from the salons and the accompanying spotlight as the ticks Baricchi and Melisse and so close, however, the great fiction of social '900 '
(Marcello Baraghini )

"Hellmann puts his finger in flowing wound in his chronicle of facts, events, episodes, without undue processes, riots, investigations ... "(Alberto Parodi, Il Secolo XIX)

A story of struggle between the poor peasants against the workers, for decades, both killed by the poisons of the plant and the dark waters of the River. Giampiero
Carbone, our newspaper

"A text of high literary value and human" (MTS, Il Piccolo)

Organization and promotion narramondo
Lisa Raffaghello
0143/468014 cell phone and fax 333 6132594 e-mail elyraffaghello @


THEATRE PRODUCTIONS Registered office: commonality 1847-50030 Money (FI)
Head office: Viale dei Mille, 127 50131 Florence
PI 05364460484 Codice Fiscale: 90019890483


narramondo The Association was founded in 2001, by the need and urgency to bring scene in the wounds of our time. Wounds that hurt, but that are removed, ignored or are afraid to confront. We do this first with the study and research through workshops and seminars with professional actors, then all events. We witness to people and people who can not be heard: it is a human journey and our historical and even artistic. We tell this tragic in its manifestations. And it is right in the recovery of the tragic that we find the most fertile artistic and theatrical space more socially useful: the simplicity and beauty, oppression and revolt.

Sabra and Chatila Chatila taken from four hours of Jean Genet-Inquiry into a massacre of A. Kapeliouk
With Charles Orlando, director of Nicholas panels Eva Cambiale Nicola panels director Filippo Dini collaboration, technical cooperation Laura Benzi
The den of the hyena, the novel by Carlo Orlando with Hassan Itaba
That March 24 Gabriele "Beaver" Arisch Lucio, Roberto Giorgi Arisch with Lucio and Carmen Iovine
American Dream Pasolini's adaptation of Calderon and text panels with Matteo Alfonso Nicholas, Eva Bills, Charles Orlando, Nicola panels, Raffaella Tagliabue

Years of Lead
Hanging by a thread, Dragonetti, Panels, with Tagliabue Elena Dragonetti and Raffaella Tagliabue
The tragedy denied. The BR, Moro, the other of Louis Albert, Francis and Nicholas Ferrieri panels
AV story of a B.rava R.agazza Marianna Fabrizio De Chiara D 'Ambros, with Maria Elena Vanni Fabrizio De, Vanni Elena show winner 04

Inquiries Stolen
River Alessandro Hellmann Pierdicca with Andrea, directed by Nicholas Panels
Cry baby Julius Salierno Bill of exchange with Eva, directed by Carlo Orlando

The Man Who Planted Trees on the novel by J. Giono with Luchi and John Alexander Carli
September 11, by and with panels. More info on

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Brazilian Waxing Templates

letter from 'author: updates to the book, theater and music for autumn 2006

First I can tell you with undisguised satisfaction that the book "One Hundred Years diveleno" is in the pink of the ten finalists for Carver Award, given dallacritica literary The Independent Publishing Award Witch "(obviously viinvito to be wary of literary criticism ...). Other information taken advantage on the publisher's site: , which is also possible to download the book for free (or buy if you deifeticisti). With Teutonic precision Rai informs me that the ore23 Saturday, September 30: 33 (please, stopwatch in hand!) will air the song "Bormida" in During the episode "The Best of the Year" transmission "Demo" diRadiouno, edited by Michael Pergolani and Renato Marengo. The song resisteinoltre the head of the TOP10 of the transmission, which was produced by music critics eaddetti the work that certainly in the past I have done some favoreche at this time ricordo.Mercoledì October 4 "The river stolen" will be staged at the Teatro Matteotti diMoncalieri (TO) at 21 under review "Theatropolis: FestivalInternazionale of the Arts Scene. "On stage the actor Andrea Pierdicca, Nicola regiadi panels, production Narramondo, text by Alessandro Hellmann (chesarei me), music by Yo Yo Mundi and Alessandro Hellmann (who is always me). More information on www . . The Theatre can not alleged that they did in Via Matteotti Matteotti, one civic. Do not come then to say that you missed because you would not be absolutely aMoncalieri credibili.Il 20:21 October, the group formed by Case Taken to prisoners and ex- detainees (Rock from Rebibbia Institute!) present in the final of Biella Festival (Teatro Villani, at 21) to the song "The Time of prison," for which the offender Testos confesso.Ultimo but not least, if Sunday while returning home from Biella October 22 daGubbio past (which of course will be great for the road), at 21 at salatrecentesca (the room where he was awarded an honorary citizenship to MarioLuzi known left-back of Ternana) my friend Gianfilippo Pascolinipresenta her pretty hard debut "Farenight", accompanied by Morgana and daPaolo Brancaleoni.C 'is none other than brewing, but I would say that for the time you're in it, otherwise the next time I do not know what to tell you! A abbraccioAlessandro