Sunday, February 20, 2011

Misty Mundae Films Free

Left Ecology and Freedom: the club was born Alessandra Massari-territorial secretary unanimously

Left Ecology and Freedom: the club was born Alessandra Massari-territorial secretary unanimously

SEL Valle Umbra-Constitution Saturday, February 19 met in the ducal city, members of the Assembly of Freedom Area wide left and Ecology of Spoleto, Castel Ritaldi, Campello sul Clitunno and Montefalco, for the establishment of the territorial circle, in the presence of the provincial secretary of SEL, Fabio Faina, the regional secretary, Louis Bori, and Juri Pelucca, responsible for organizing the secretariat of the province.

The assembly of members cities of the district elected unanimously Alessandra Massari, as Secretary of the circle, and the Governing Council, as representative body. While the answer will be given by the secretary, and put to a vote of the board in the coming days.
The meeting began with greetings from representatives of institutions of Spoleto, together with those of Francesco Giannini, chairman of the board of Fiom provincial, and provincial secretary of SEL, Fabio Faina. Among the representatives was attended by the vice mayor of Spoleto, Stephen Straight, the Socialist councilor, Paul Piccioni, the secretary of the club PRC, Maura Coltorti, the Secretary-IDV, Massimiliano Massari and Secretary PD, Andrew Bartocci.
During the Congress, and by the assistance of members, it was stressed that the purpose of the club is to create an open space that could be a renewed focus for discussions and policy proposals on issues of great importance, such as labor issues, youth employment, public goods, law, protection of the rights of the weak and of environmental issues, with special attention to the problems of the vast territories of the area and its citizens. The club wants to be a working group that can take root in the area, meet and interact with local government in a critical and constructive at the same time, in order to identify the real needs of the population. For this, SEL expects to open soon in Spoleto is a working group with representatives of the center left of the main problems of the city. Since Congress
incorporation is also shown a clear opening of the club to new impulses and new energy, as evidenced by the numerous interventions of the youth of SEL Valle Umbra. Left Ecology and Freedom will be a responsible political force. It will be because we want a better country.

The names of the Board of Directors: Marina Antonini, Rita Buffatello, Mirco Calcabrina, Vairo Caldarelli, Cristina collars, Patrizia Costantini, Dorothy Giannoni, Toni Gobbi, Andrea Marchini, Anna Meriggioli, Alessandra Massari, Roberto Mesca, Cinzia Petrini, Elisa Piccioni, Luca Ricci, Carmen Ricciolini, Simone Telaro, Stefano Trappetti, Lezhan Volaj.

Circle SEL Umbrian Valley

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Many Connect An A Wifi Handle

not do good if you do not have the strength to endure ingratitude. E. Biagi

not do good if you do not have the strength to endure ingratitude. E. Biagi