Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gallery Female Genetalia

We will do our hero get away with it? The news first

This man is a genius. Before using a newspaper editorial of its densely populated galaxy to attack with his head down a man and a leader of the opposition (UDC Cesa and D'Alema of the PD) using the one that defines more than a month "Mud" (giving them, that is, facts that he himself - according to evidence revealed so far - seems to have made). Then, after giving the beautiful smooth, expresses its solidarity with them (returned to sender, the two announced lawsuit). Using more or less these words: "I've never shared ways of those who resort to gossip to insinuate doubt or discredit .'ve Been easy prophet when I predicted that the barbarity caused by a very specific press campaign would put in inducing a spiral that goes absolutely stopped. "
dual-purpose messages. One: tell the two "now you know how it feels to be in my shoes, so the papers say close to your area to give up the crossfire of ads and applications, or regret it. "Two: getting the public the feeling that, in all cases, they are only rumors fabricated to discredit for men politicians of the opposite. An attempt to put everyone on equal footing, in short .
little detail: There is no evidence in his case - already published in newspapers and websites around the world - not just words.
this time Will our hero get away with it?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Masterbation Tecneaks

the past few hours - and even now, with the obsessive replay Web sites - the director of Tg1 Augusto Minzolini has given me a great lesson in journalism .
summary. Wednesday, June 17 the Corriere della Sera devotes a whole page in the investigation of the Prosecutor of Bari, the object of trafficking - bribes, beautiful women - orchestrated by a wealthy businessman to secure the procurement of health. From wiretaps - remember the survey instrument that Parliament now wants to cancel? - Another story has emerged from crime: forced prostitution . In short: at some point in his professional history, the entrepreneur said he realized that propose to politicians and officials beautiful women instead of large sums of money to get contracts in health care would pay more. Not only that: the said contractor has also realized that procure rich and powerful men in the company of beautiful courtesans - escort or simple models, it does not matter - could be a very profitable trade in itself. Leaving fuck - was never more appropriate term - in health care contracts.
The Corsera also publishes the interview in one of the protagonists in the "turnover" of the aforementioned contractor . She claims to have sold to the President of the Council and recorded meetings.
Newspaper in hand, understands the Tg1 immediately that the story can not be silent. But also understands that can not shoot it as it deserves. Tg1 we turn around, hints, coughs, swallows, mutters. And the audience at home, without the support of newspapers, we do not find their way. Even so, after the first day, the Tg1 completely stops talking about the matter.
So, yesterday, RAI President Paul Garimberti yesterday summoned the director of Tg1 Augusto Minzolini to give him a lecture on the completeness, objectivity and impartiality of information . All sulky, Augustus appeared shortly after its news in a videotaped message. "We have not talked about," he said, "because is gossip, there is still no reliable information ".
So let's recap. The reopening of the old town of L'Aquila - with a good portion of the inhabitants of the city and the province still in tents - it's news, the hypothesis that the Prime Minister has paid to enjoy the company of young girls no, the Pope's visit to the tomb of Padre Pio is news, the hypothesis that revels in a base of powerful men and was running cocaine no pretty girls, the weather alert news is, the records of Patrick D'Addario, acquired by the judiciary, no.
Thanks, Augusto . You have opened my mind and made me understand. Thanks for this great lesson journalism.

Monday, June 22, 2009

5 Weeks Cervix Hard And Low

The Princess and the Pea

Come on, we are counting.
Raise your hand if you think deep down: "At his place I would have done myself. I packed a bunch of whores in the garage of my house and I'd dipped it in half every time I'd had want. Having all that money ...".
Raise your hand if you know deep down that it agreed with Victor Felts, when the "Free" writes that governs best who trumpet (see "Free" on Sunday, June 21).
Raise your hand if, after all, thinks it is a cool. So the vote.
I would also like for just one day into the category. Just to know what it feels .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hdloader Hd Not Found

What you've read great historical

But how big is big bed ? Is it possible that he has everything great? A great family, a grand coalition, a large group of television, even a big bed? It will never be possible, I ask myself, that where there have been opposition, laws against conflicts of interest, the judgments of the Constitutional Court, the judgments of corruption, false accounting, dangerous proximity to the mafias, Masonic lodges, private use of public resources (see under: State flight), might finally the long series of festivities full of "Pilu"?
Fingers crossed.