Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gay In Abu Dhabi Friend



The Company "Narramondo "once again this year in the town of Rocca Grimalda nell'alessandrino, the successful and interesting festival" Epic Theatre Festival "with programming scheduled from July 8 to August 5, all outdoor in the Plaza on Sunday, 22 August 8 .(....) was the turn, as said, of "THE RIVER STOLEN" by Alessandro Helmann and his "A hundred years of poison," which addresses and repeats the story, well sadly known, and the resulting Cengio acne, these very challenging and progressive struggles of the inhabitants of the Val Bormida health and survival. This too was directed by Nicholas panels, while the lights are taken care of by Salvatore Magro and the music of the same group and Helmann Yo Yo Mundi. Andrea Pierdicca is on stage, alone. Monologue, therefore, organized in the traditional form of narrative theater that inspires Narramondo primitive, the text recounts the story of a factory that wealth land and its people becomes, inevitably in the simple logic of profit, the enemy, in a real cancer of the territory and its inhabitants. So the factory started to produce dynamically as we change and transform to become a paint factory, adapting to the transient interests of the masters of the moment that they use for the immediate profit, without any desire or ability to anticipate and address problems that arise and interests that conflict. Blindness and deafness, however, that has nourished and strengthened in spite of the resistance of the population increasingly tired of breathing, eating and drinking poison. Resistance among other things that have enriched and solidarity that has expanded as in all the municipalities of Val Bormida Liguria Piedmont. The fight has grown so stubbornly and, as rarely happens, has finally been able to combine the needs of acne-working and drawing sustenance of those who lived on its fringes and its borders, also increasingly distant. And a fight that ultimately was successful and that celebrates the factory closed, workers and relocated to the valley on the mend. Narrative theater, then, and the best combining the contemporary with the early memory even in times of easy oblivion, but that the strength of the text and the stage presence and recitations of Pierdicca gives perspective and depth in a dramatic speech by articulating the sort of Broader dialectical dialogue between stage and audience. Among other things, the story was, as noted, developed in areas close to the writer and most of those who have seen the piece. An interesting work, syntax, and also to stage the test of interpretation of the main character of DOLORES PESCE